Page 14 of Defying Boundaries

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Like a siren singing my song, car alarms begin going off up and down the street.

“There’s our answer. Once the lights go out, we’ll give it two hours for everyone to settle, then get the hell outta here. This place gives me the hives,” Charlee says, followed by a full-body shiver.

“That’s a pretty impressive answer,” I muse, a slight bit of humor lacing my tone.

“They aren’t known for subtlety.” Hemmi laughs.

The halls fill with murmurs as students and faculty come out from their dorms to see what all the commotion is about.

“It’d be suspicious if we don’t fall into line like the rest of them to see what the noise is about,” Mera implies, knowing good and well that we’re usually the first two among the masses that are nosy.

“Lead the way,” I tell her, a smile spread from one cheek to the other. For the first time in our lives, Mera and I have the inside scoop. We’re aware of things nobody else, outside of the four of us, is. It’s exhilarating, I’m enthusiastic knowing that it’s the proof needed to show how my life is fixing to irrevocably change.

Whether it's for better or worse still remains unknown. But if it gets me away from my brothers’ clutches, it means that it can’t be that bad.

At least, that’s the hope.

* * *

“Hustle, ladies. We’re not out for a midnight stroll in order to smell the roses,” Hemmi gripes, waving her hands haphazardly in front of her for us to get a move on.

“Man, I’m out of shape,” Mera complains, having a hard time, like I am, keeping up with these two ladies’ fast-paced jogging. “Are their legs longer than ours or something? Because it’s as if they have giraffe legs and we have walrus stubs.”

“I don’t run. It makes my boobs hurt,” I whine.

These size Ds are a hindrance in many ways, but when I attempt to run or jog, they feel like gallon jugs weighing me down.

Here’s two facts about being a big-breasted woman that not many share—not onlywasn'tI joking when I said it’s painful on your back and neck, andnot onlydo they jiggle when it's inconvenient, but finding clothes that are flattering, without being tacky and showing things that nobody has a right to see other than the mirror when I’m changing, is an impossible feat. Which is why I stick mainly to T-shirts and jeans, or a flowy dress that isn’t restricting the upper part of my body.

Unstylish? Maybe. But I’d rather be comfortable than sleazy.

Not to mention, luxury isn’t a thing that’s an offer for me. We can’t wear skirts. Shorts worn here are permitted to go above the knee. No cleavage is allowed to be shown, not unless you want the wrath of the nuns. Those horrors you hear about nuns and rulers are true. They love to smack you with them as a way of punishment and to keep you in line. Being on the other end of that wooden stick is not fun.

Hemmi grabs my hand, and Charlee grabs Mera’s, dragging us behind them, quicker than my short, stacked legs have ever moved before.

If I never do cardio again, I’m okay with that. This is the extent of that form of workout I ever want to do. You won’t see me raising my hand for a turn on the treadmill.

No siree.

I’ll covet my curves, and pridefully so.


Two Weeks Later

“What’s taking them so long?”Tyson probes, gripping the chain-link fence and shaking it with abandon.

“That won’t make them move any faster,” I warn him, cautioning him about making any noises that can draw unwanted attention our way.

They may not monitor their property the way they should, considering they have a lot of people under their care, but the brazen way he’s flailing it around could wake the damn dead.

“Look. Here they come,” Master asserts, gaining our focus.

“All I see are four shadows,” Luca grouses. He’s been hankering and sulking to get a look at Shayne’s friend ever since she showed us her domineering side. Something about her calls to the hard-nosed man inside of him.

No woman, sight unseen, has ever enraptured him the way she has. I hope she gives him a run for his money. I haven’t admitted this to anyone, but Shayne also has me bouncing on my toes, wanting to put a face to the voice I’ve been hearing for nearly two weeks now. There’s something about her mellowness and innocence that makes me want to protect her.

The only problem that I see is who’s going to keep me safe from her?

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