Page 40 of Defying Boundaries

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Marco and Leo are laughing hysterically at our dramatic responses to the movie. “It’s not funny, guys! Those boys will have mental scars from that for the rest of their lives. Well, the ones who lived long lives that is.” Mera harrumphs.

“I wish they hadn’t shared that narrative,” I admit. “It made things sadder, knowing that their futures weren’t happy and fulfilled after experiencing such a sorrowful adventure.”

“From now on, you ladies can only watch comedies,” Marco expresses, clutching his midsection. “I didn’t realize it would affect you ladies so much.”

“Pizza’s here,” Leo announces as a light flashes on the wall. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

“Thank you, Leo, I’m starved,” I say, rubbing my rumbling stomach.

With as much popcorn and candy as we’ve consumed, you’d think there’s no way I could fit any more food inside of my stomach, junk or otherwise. It’s already stretched to its limit. I’ve put on at least ten pounds since we’ve come to live with Julius and Luca. We not only eat three square meals per day, but we have free rein of the kitchen and sometimes, a girl needs some chocolate.

“When are Luca and Julius supposed to be home? Should we set some dinner aside for them?” Mera asks Marco.

“We ordered them each a pie of their own. We’ll put them in the fridge for them and they can reheat it when they get in if they’re hungry,” Marco tells her.

“A pie? We ordered pizza. Why didn’t you say we could get pie, Marco?”

“Pardon me, I should’ve used a different phrase. I’m from New York, and up there, we call pizza’s pies.”

“Oh,” Mera responds. “We still have so much to learn.”

“Don’t worry. It won’t happen overnight, but soon enough, you’ll understand our euphemisms and whatnot,” Leo pacifies. “Different regions of the country use different terminologies. It can still be confusing for me, so don’t sweat the small stuff. Just ask, and we’ll answer.”

“I think I should start carrying around a notepad so I can jot these things down,” I state.

“Same,” Mera agrees.

“I’ll get you two one if you’re serious,” Marco offers.

“We’re pretty serious, Marco. There’s still so much out there that we still need to learn and discover,” I answer. “What we have at our fingertips is too much, but not enough at the same time.”

“Exactly my thoughts,” Mera adds.

Food is delivered, passed out, and the cheesy goodness as well as the spicy aroma has me nearly ravenous. As I eat my slice of pizza, a sinking sensation hits my stomach. I’m not sick. This isn’t food poisoning. No, it’s something else entirely. I just hope it’s not an omen of something bad coming our way.

“Watch over us,”I whisper to the universe. Goosebumps run up and down my body and it has me near shivering.


“So,they’re tiptoeing around each other, huh?” Gunner asks, stroking his chin.

“Yeah. And if we don’t do something soon, something drastic to get their attention to get this ball rolling into our court, they could keep dancing around each other. Then we’ll remain stuck in this loop of nothingness,” Luca adds.

“Maybe it’s time for us to sporadically come up top and be seen,” Malice speculates.

“Sightings of us could stir things up and get the Crumleys to react,” Master encourages.

“Or it could blow up in our faces, one of us could end up captured, or worse, dead.” Gunner emphasizes the reminder with a flick of his wrist as he ashes his cigarette.

“We could sit back on our asses and do absolutely nothing. Keep living this life of solitude and let our families die out too.” Kruger harrumphs. “There are always risks, Gun. But we need to weigh which one is best for us.”

“We can’t live like this much longer,” Country admits. “The kids are bored more often than not, the women are getting squirrelly, and if we don’t do something soon, they’ll revolt. Charlee asked the other day where she could get a bazooka so she could go and wipe them out.”

“So, we play a game of chess. We show our faces and wait for them to make a move,” I confirm. “I’ll have men in the background as an added precaution in case you boys find trouble.”

“We go up in groups of two. We arm ourselves, and act as if we’re trying to blend in with the shadows,” Gunner says, giving in. “It’s a risky move, I don’t like it, but I agree, it’s time to put an end to this shitshow.”

“I’ll order some tactical gear so that y’all are better protected. Give me a week and we’ll start cycling you all above ground,” I tell them.
