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“Find her,” I say through gritted teeth. “Find her now!”

Khalil rolls his eyes before calmly extracting my hand from his shirt. He smooths out all the wrinkles before looking at me.

“Don’t worry, I’m already on it.”

I nod, staring at the wall and trying my fucking hardest not to imagine my girl right now. She’s probably scared out of her mind. The only thing I have now is the icy rage in my veins and fear for her.

I entered my living room, finding my loyal crew assembled, awaiting my next command.

“Get Salvador on the line,” I order.

The room’s atmosphere tenses as I confront her father, “Why didn’t you reach out when she vanished?”

“I don’t owe you an explanation, Carlo. Not after that charade meant to disgrace my family,” he retorts sharply. But then, he takes a deep breath, and his voice carries a note of regret, “I thought I was doing what was best for her. A grave mistake, one that now burdens my daughter.”

Frustration surged within me, “She’s with me, Salvador. Why would you arrange for her to meet with fucking Dante?”

“You mean that front page worthy performance?”

“It began that way,” I admitted, “but now I can’t even think without your daughter in my life.”

Salvador brushed my words aside, “It’s a little too late for an explanation D’Angelo, just find my kid.”

Before hanging up, with unwavering determination, I vowed, “I’ll find my girl.”

Khalil studies me for a moment. “What are you going to do when you find them?”

I look at him then, a cruel smirk touching my lips. “I’m going to make Dante Marino wish he was never born. And then I’m going to kill him.”

Nobody touches what’s mine.

* * *

I tookan anatomy course in college out of morbid curiosity. I wanted to learn how the body worked. By that point, I already knew exactly how my life was going to go, so I was always searching for knowledge, always looking for ways to be better at what I was expected to do.

I learned about nerve endings in every single body part. I learned exactly where to shoot and stab without killing a person. I know exactly where to stab to make a grown man feel more pain than he can imagine.

Right now, my knife is buried in Marino’s anterior femoral nerve. He just lost all sensory functions to the front and middle part of his thigh. The scream he lets out is practically muted by the time it reaches my eardrums.

“Shut the fuck up. I haven’t even started yet,” I mutter.

I can’t stop seeing it. We were able to track Marino to this hotel thanks to CCTV cameras on the road since we couldn’t track his phone. It was a long process and I was damn near out of my mind by the time Khalil finally found him. The hotel’s pretty discreet, well hidden. We got inside with barely any effort but had to pay a lot of fucking money so they’d give us his room number.

There was another hiccup at the door. Apparently Marino’s been staying here since he arrived in the U.S., and he had enough foresight to install a biometric, password-protected lock. This must be his private room. Thankfully, I had enough foresight to bring along the best hacker I know. Khalil unlocked the door in less than five minutes. Nothing could have prepared me for what was on the other side, though.

I kick the man wailing on the ground before leaning down. “You had my girl tied up like an animal!” I growl.

“I’m sorry,” Dante cries. “I’m fucking sorry.”

I smile, “No, you’re not. But trust me, Marino. By the time I’m done, you’ll be more than just fucking sorry.”

I look up in time to catch Tori’s flinch. Fuck, she can’t be in here for this. I give Khalil a look, telling him to get her out of here. He tries to take her arm but she wrenches it away and shakes her head. She stares at me resolutely.

“I’m staying.”

Our gazes connect. Several moments pass. I can’t tell what she’s fucking thinking right now. I can barely think of anything except the way she looked under Marino. If I had been only a few seconds later… I don’t even want to imagine it right now. It’ll only make me angrier and I’m already so fucking furious I can barely breathe.

I don’t have time to convince Astoria to leave, so I turn back to Dante. He’s clutching at his thigh, staring at the blood pooling out of it.
