Page 12 of Mind Blowing

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He snorted, loving she was completely ill-equipped in the art of onenight stands.

He stepped overadiscarded baseball glove, coming to a stop in front of her. He put his palm on her collarbone, wrapping his fingers gently around her neck. “You don’t have to say anything at all, but bye works, Callie.” He moved his palm up, cupping her cheek before placing a soft kiss to her still slightly swollen lips. “See ya around.”

She pulled back, nodded twice,and then turned and walked out the door.


Riley drained his bottle of water, then tossed the empty into the sink with a loud crack. “Was that Callahantiptoeingout of here, holding her shoes?” His hands were on his hips, and he was watching Jasper make his way down the stairs, his expression like a parent scolding a naughty toddler.

“I don’t fuck and tell.” Jasper smirked, collapsing on the couch and kicking his feet up on the coffee table.

“Yes, you absolutely do.” Blake walked down the stairs, ruffling his hair on her way to her mate. “All the time. Even when we ask you to stop.” She kissed Riley’s lips before moving to the kitchen and rummaging in the fridge.

“Oh, right.” Jasper shrugged because his roomies weren’t wrong. He was an open book, whether they wanted to read it or not. “Then yeah, that was Callahan, doing the walk of fame.”

“Fame?” Riley rolled his eyes. Hard. He reminded Jasper of Axie in that moment. “Why didn’t you offer to drive her home? I thought Axie and Madden raised your bitch ass better than that.”

Jasper knew howMaddiwould feel about him letting Callahan stumble out of his house without at least calling her a ride. He was a fuck-boy, not an asshole. “I did offer, she said she didn’t want anyone to see us together.”


Jasper waved away Riley’s concern. “Nah. I get it. She’s all smart and prim and proper. Her friends would think she’d lost her mind, hooking up with me. We’re on opposite spectrums of campus, metaphorically speaking.”

“Did she teach you what metaphorical meant?” Blake spoke around a handful of blueberries, smiling at him sweetly.

“Yes.” He winked. “But don’t worry, I taught her some things last night too.”

Blake snorted. “You’re an actual mess.”

“Says the chick who is dropping food all over the floor.” Jasper pointed at the ground and the berries rolling under the coffee table. “No one is going to come steal it from you, slow down, killer.”

“I’m hungry.” Blake tossed a few more into her mouth. “And I’m slightly hungover. I really want a greasy cheeseburger.” She jerked a thumb in Riley’s direction. “But this one is still on his clean eating kick.”

“I never said you had to participate.” Riley slung his arm around his mate’s neck, pulling her close and kissing her temple. “You want me to go get you a heart attack on a bun,Barbie? Because what my baby wants, my baby gets.”

Jasper loved their connection, loved the way they were together. Being around mated pairs was nice, inspirational even. No way he was ready for that sort of connection, but it was still something he aspired to. One day. In theverydistant future.

“You’re the sweetest boyfriend in the history of boyfriends,but I’ll live without the grease for one day.”

“I’m your mate.”

“Yeah, that’s what I said.” Blake grabbed a banana from the always full bowl of fruit on the kitchen counter and joined Jasper on the couch while ignoring Riley’s scowl. “So, you going to hang out with Callahan again?”

Jasper jerked back, appalled. “What? No. Why in the actual hell would I do that?”

“To date.” Blake winked at Riley as she put a big portion of her banana in her mouth. “To learn about yourself and other people? Life experience?” Her words were garbled with the food she was chewing.

“Doll face, dating is not really something shifters do.” Jasper leaned forward and took a bite, mostly to annoy her. “Knowing there is one perfect person out there, made for us, kind of makes casually hanging out a waste of time.”

“And how do you know Callahan isn’t your person? Huh?” Blake moved her fruit out of reach when Jasper made another move for it.

He chuckled at her absurd question. “My dick’s been inside her. I’vetouched her. Spentactual time with her. And I wouldn’t have cared if she was gone before I woke up.” He shook his head. “Not really the feelings I’d have after banging my soul mate.”

“Uh, Riley’s dick was inside me, and he dropped me off at home the next day. It took weeks of you two growling at each other like a bunch of strays for anyone to know that I washismate.”

“That’s different.” Riley sat on the arm of the couch, tugging on Blake’s blonde curls.

She raised one eyebrow. “How so?”

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