Page 13 of Mind Blowing

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“I liked you from the start. I was drawn to you. I wanted to know you and be next to you and spend time with you. We were inseparable from the moment you blew into my dorm room. Hell, we started having sleepovers that same weekend, whether my dick stayed in my pants or not, I held you all night.”

Jasper nodded, recalling how obsessed Riley was with Blake when they’d first met. Every time he’d talked to his best friend on the phone, he was hanging out with Blake or had gotten home from hanging out with Blake.Jasper hadbeen jealous as shit when he thought Blake was a dude. At that point, things were platonic, but that didn’t make the connection any less.

“Jasper, are you telling me you weren’t drawn to Callahan? You stalked her until she agreed to give you the time of day.”

Jasper gasped in outrage. “I did no such thing.”

“You followed her around campus, stole her number from your booty call’s phone, and then sat at a bar for two hours waiting for her to show up.”

“Wrong.” Jasper shook his head. “I kept my eye on a hot chick I wanted to fuck. I went to the bar with my bestie,andCallahan just happened to show up. And the digit stealing, well, that one really wasn’t my finest moment.” Hehadn’t beenstalking her,he’d beenpursuing her. That was better, right?

“You told her you needed a tutor.” She pointed at herself. “You already had a tutor.” Blake wasn’t letting it go, and she was starting to make him question his decisions.

“You were busy, and I can’t fuck you.”

Rileychucked him on the back of the head. “Hey, you promised not to bring that up until January.”

“I wasn’t recalling a memory.I was stating a fact.”

Blake nodded. “I’ll allow it.”

Riley petulantly crossed his arms over his chest, upset at losing the ruling.

“I really did need the extra help.Englishlitis hard as fuck. I don’t want to fail my freshman year. Jace would never let me hear the end of it, let alone Linc. And Maddi would be so disappointed in me.” Jasper was a jokester, rarely serious. That didn’t mean he didn’t want his pack to be proud of him. “So, two birds, one stone. I got help for the test,and I gave Callahan the dicking she so desperately needed.”

Blake rolled her eyes at his crass language, even though her tongue wasn’t any cleaner. “Don’t act like you did that poor girl any favors.”

“I didn’t say I did her a favor.I said she needed dick.” Callahan was uptight, completely. After they’d been together though, she’d seemed to relax a bit. She let her guard down, she laughed for fuck’s sake. She was brilliant,and Jasper knew he’d acedthe litfinal thanks to her. She had a way of explaining things that made it all click in his brain. “Just because I don’t want to date her doesn’t mean I’m mistreating her in any way. We agreed to one night before I even touched her. No lies, no drama.”

“I think you’re selling her and yourself short.” Blake got up, tossing her empty banana peel at his head. “She’s a cool chick, and I think you’re into her.” She held her hand up when he opened his mouth to reply. “No need to make a joke about howintoher you were, I get it.”

Jasper pouted. “I need new material or new friends.”

Riley grabbed Blake’s hips and dragged her over to stand between his knees. “For once, I have to agree with Jasper here, doll.” He kissed her frowning lips. “Jasper casually dating Callahan would only hurt her. She isn’t meant for him. It’sdestined to end, no matter what. It’s shifter life.”

“AllI’msaying is, you guys could both be wrong.” She pointed at Jasper. “Youaredrawn to her, whether you want to admit it or not. You changed your normal gross male routine for her.”

“I adapted the play to score the points.” Jasper sighed, shaking his head like he was disappointed in himself. “You said it yourself.I never try to hide it. I’m a fuck-boy, it’s literally what we do.”

“You let her stay the night, and we both know that is not the way you operate.”

Jasper snorted. “I didn’t let her stay the night, I banged her until neither one of us could move. We didn’t sleep, we passed the hell out. As soon as she came to, I showed her the door.”

Blake stepped out of Riley’s embrace. “I need to go spend some time with Axie, all this damn shifter testosterone is starting to annoy the ever-loving shit out of me.”

Jasper gasped playfully. “Do you kiss my packmate with that dirty mouth?”

“Yeah.I suck his dick with it too.”

She left both of them laughing as she made her wayupstairs.

Chapter Ten


Straight As. Not that she was surprised. That was what was expected of her, and it was what she expected of herself. Perfection and decorum in all things. Expect for that time she’d given in and let Jasper make her come until her legs felt like jelly. She placed her palms to her cheeks, trying to hide the blush creeping into her skin. She was walking through campusandshe’d needed coffee. Shewas dragging. She was headed home in a few days, choosing to stay in her dorm until the last day possible. It wasn’t that she wasn’t excited to see her parents, butshe knew the summer that was waiting for her. She’d work in her dad’s church doing secretary duties to earn spending money for next semester. She’d have dinner with her parents every night,andshe’d escape to the library for a break when she could. Predictable. Boring.

Jasper wasn’t boring. She was sure his summer wouldbe filled withparties and hookups and beer bongs. She pictured him in swim trunks doing a back flip off some party barge while people cheered his crazy antics and recorded it for social media. He’d make out with daring girls in skimpy bikinis and forget all about his one night with his repressed Englishlittutor.
