Page 19 of Mind Blowing

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“Your father is a pastor? I didn’t know that.” Blake kicked Riley, seeming to bring him out of his trance. “Did you hear that,babe? Callahan was telling us her fatherisa pastor.”

“Wait.” Jasper perked up, no longer unashamedly staring at her chest. “What?”

“Yeah. It’s true. My father’sbeen a pastor my entire life.” She didn’t really want to talk about her father with the guy she’d had a one-night stand with, but for the life of her, she couldn’t figure out how to gracefully change the subject. “The church has about two hundred members,so there’sa lot of clerical work that goes along withthe whole pastor thing.That’s where I come in.”

“So religious, then. You grew up religious.” Jasper steepled his fingers, resting his chin on them. “Is that safe to say? Lots of convictions.”

“Uh, I guess. Yeah. I grew up going to church every Wednesday and Sunday. Bible study and Sunday school, the works.” She cleared her throat. “I, as most people do, have convictions, yes.” She was quickly regretting her decision to come over. Riley and Jasper were acting strange and Blake was doing her best to make up for it.Callahanwas feeling sleepy again, like another nap was warranted.

“Is he a big man, your father? Anger issues?”

“No.” Callahan stood, settingdownher water on the glass table beside her. “I’m going to use the restroom, if that’s okay?” She didn’t wait for anyone to answer her. She needed a reason to walk away from the world’s weirdest conversation.

Maybe she could hide in there until the pizza came.

Chapter Thirteen


As soon as Callahan had disappeared into the house, Blake leaned forward and flicked Jasper on the forehead.“You two need to get your actual shit together.”She shook her head. “You’reacting looney tunes.” He knew she was right. She’d been the one whosteered the conversation asbestshe could, but she wasn’t a miracle worker.

Riley had zoned out, checking in on the pregnancy and, more than once, Jasper hadfound himself staring at her perfect and growing tits.He wondered if they would keep growing. He wanted to hold them in his palms and note the difference in their weight. Did they hurt yet? Were they tender? Extra sensitive? He wanted to run his tongue around her nipples and ask if it felt different than the night they’d shared. How was he going to bring up the size of her breasts without making her angry and causing her to storm out of the house?

Callahan probably thought they were all insane.

“She’s still pregnant.” Blake turned to look at her mate like he’d lost his mind. “What? Things happen, especially early on.” Riley pulled a beer from the tiny outdoor fridgethat’dbeen here when they’d moved in. Jace had renovated the whole place without their input.

“Stop zoning out while you stare at her.” Blake pointed to Riley. “And you,” she glared atJasper, “stop gawking her breasts and asking her dumb questions about her father.” She was whisper-yelling at them, which was warranted.

“Did you hear her though? She grew up going to church two days a week and her father is a pastor.” Jasper let his head fall back against the side of the house. “We can guess how she’ll feel about abortion.”

Riley scoffed. “Yeah? How do you feel about it?”

“I don’t know.I’ve never been in this position before.”

“Exactly.” Riley handed him his beer, allowing him to drain it in solidarity. “You never know how you’ll react until it happens to you. So stop assuming things about her by the way she was raised.”

“This is a cluster fuck.” Blake crossed her arms over her chest,clearlystill irritated with the both of them. “We’d have been better off telling her you’re both shifters and you noticed she was preggo with your Spidey senses.”

They all stopped talking when Callahan came back into view. She stepped on the back patio, an uneasy smile on her face. “I think the pizza is here, someone was knocking at the door.”

“Thank goodness.”When the bell rang, theyall filed into the houseandBlake skipped to the door like a little blonde pixie.She took the pizza boxes in her hands and then rested her cheek against the top of the grease-stained box. “Oh,how I’ve missed you.”

Riley shook his head as he handed a wad of cash to the delivery man, who was watching Blake’s declaration with interest.Rileyslammed the door in the guy’s face, then followed his mate into the kitchen, smacking her ass playfully.

“Do you smell that?”

“Yeah.I know it smells so good. Thisis our favorite pizza place.” Jasper pulled four plates down from the cabinet, even though Blake was already shoving a slice into her mouth. “Let’s eat.”

Callahan put her hand over her mouth. “You don’t smell that?” Her voice was muffled from her palmwhile her fingers were pinchingher noseclosed. “It smells awful. What kind of pizza is that?”

Jasper cut his gaze to Riley who was pulling a pepperoni- and jalapeno-filled slice from the box. Riley’s eyes widened, his head gesturing to Callahan. She didn’t like the smell of the pizza. Jasper hadread about food aversion on the website Riley had sent him. It was a symptom. A sign. It was better than her knocked up boobs, or questioning her napping habits, that was for fucking sure.

“You okay? You look like you’re going to be sick.” Jasper reached out, touching her forehead, and not caring when she swattedawayhis hand in annoyance. “No fever.”

“I’m not sick.” She wrinkled her nose. “That pizza smells rotten.”

“We’ll, uh, take it upstairs and eat in our room.” Riley picked up one of the grease spot dotted boxes and then grabbed a protesting Blake and hauled her upstairs.Jaspercould hear her whining about wanting to stay astheirdoor clicked shut.
