Page 22 of Mind Blowing

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He pulled out his phone, trying to distract himself from, well, everything.

R: Youguys arehomealready?

J: Yeah. She’staking the test now.

R: How is she?

J: Quiet. Nervous. She’ll barely look at me.

R: I’m really proud of the way you’re handling this for her.

J: I’ve hadtimetofreakout,pace around the house and lose my shit. It’s her turn. I’ll be whatever she needs me to be.

R: Let me know if you need us.

J: Thanks man.

Riley was proud of him for being kind? How much of a douche was he usually that basic human decency was getting him stickers on his star chart? Fuck. He tossed his cell onto his desk and ran his hands through his hair. He needed a haircut. Usually,Axie would buzz it for him when he went home.Home.Shit.

His pack was going to kill him.

He looked up as the bathroom door opened. Callahan came out, the test in her hand, her lip worrying between her teeth. “It’s supposed to take two minutes.” She glanced at the clock beside his bed. The same one she’d giggled at when she spent the night. “Good thing you have those giant red numbers to tell us when it’s time, huh?”

Jasper patted the mattress next to him. “Come here,Callie.” He knew she didn’t love the nickname, but he also knew she didn’t hate it. It was growing on her, like he was.After she sat next to him, heput his arm around her shoulders.She handed him the test and rested her head on his shoulder.

“I’ll never forget how nice you were tonight, no matter what the test says.”

He kissed her forehead, unable to stop himself from comforting her. She smelled like apples dipped in candy,and she felt good in his arms. He liked her.

He liked her brilliance and her freckles. Heliked that she didn’t fall at his feet. Heliked that she demanded more from him than his normal bullshit. He liked her long silky hair and her tiny soft hands. Everything aboutherwas a contrast to him, and he appreciated their differences. The true reason he wasn’t freaking out was because she made him feel capable, solid, and strong.


His normal antics would be wrong.

He needed to be more, for her.

Forboth of them.

“It’s been two minutes.” Her head was still on his shoulder, his arm still holding her tight. She was shaking, like chills were wracking her small body. His heart hurt for her, for them both. “Can you look?”she whispered. “I can’t, uh, I don’t—”

“It’s positive.” He didn’t bother to check the test, there was no need. In that instant he heard it, the soft flutter, the whoosh of the baby’s heartbeat. It was almost as if its mother’s knowledge had kick-started it into existence.

His wolf woke up, for the first fucking time since he’d met Callie. He could feel it coming to, sensing what had happened. He held his breath, waiting to see what it would do, how it would feel.Notice the baby, you dense animal. Oh great. The damn thing was happy about the pregnancy. He preened, like he’d done a good job. Fucking fantastic.

Callahan began to cry, and he held her tighterwhiletelling his wolf to fuck the hell off. If he wasn’t going to be anything but smug, he didn’t want his input.

He wasn’t sure how long they sat there on his bed, the only sound in the room her tears. He shed a few too. Not for himself, but for her. For the fear she must be feeling, the uncertainty,andthe regret.

Heshould’veleft her alone. She didn’t want him, not at first. He’d pursued her, he’d demanded her attention. He’d played the perfect part, been exactly who she needed him to be to say yes.

Whathe’d done to themwasn’t fair. He vowed in that moment to do it again though. To play the perfect part, to be exactly who she needed him to be in this too. She needed support,andhe’d give it. She needed validation,andhe’d offer it. Whatever it was that she asked of him, he’d deliver. It was the least he could do, and less than she deserved.

“I don’t know if I have any tears left.” She wiped at her pretty eyes with both hands, sitting up and pulling away from him. “I’m sorry.”

“What exactly are you apologizing for? Emotions? You’re human. Tears? You just learned something life-altering.”

“We.Welearned.” She sighed. “I haven’t even given you a chance to react.” Thank goodness Riley told him first. Otherwise, he’d have been repeating different variations of the wordnoover her head as she cried her eyes out against a stunned statue. “Can you tell me how you’re feeling?”
