Page 39 of Mind Blowing

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He sat down in the nearest chair, exhausted by his entire existence at this point. “I mean, I banged her like four times that night,I’m pretty sure,but yes. I was careful, like I always am. I wore a condom and I pulled…” His words trailed off as images of them tangled in his sheets assaulted his memory. It was as if he was watching the two of them from the ceiling, seeing the way her creamy thighs stretched to cradle his body. Her red hair spread over his pillows, her nails scratching down his back leaving raised pink lines in their wake.

“You didn’t, did you?” It was Riley asking, his voice an almost whisper.

“I, uh, I’m sure I did.” He scrubbed his palms down his face. “I always do.” He was promiscuous, but he was cautious to a fault. The last thing he ever wanted to happen was to accidentally get the wrong chick pregnant. He chuckled humorlessly to himself. “Fuck. I don’t know, man.I honestly can’t really remember now.”

“Ask her,”Jace urged.

“And I assumed I was the only highmotherfuckeron this patio.” Jasper lost the war with his gaze, his attention back on Callahan as she held a book over her face.“Like I should say, ‘Hey, Callie, no big deal,but do you remember if I pulled out during all the sex that created that baby you’re growing?’”He snorted. “What would that help? What would it matter at this point?”

“I’mbringing this up, one time, and one time only.” Riley sighed, cursing under his breath. “That night at the cabin with Blake, when we uh, shared—”

“How is Jasper not making disgusting crude remarks, thatI’dkill him for, were I in your shoes?”Jace glanced between the two of them, shockwritten onhisface.

“Oh, I can’t,” Jasper told his twin. “I traded Riley pants for a semester of no threesome jokes.”

“Pants?” Jace cocked his head to the side. “What the hell are you three doing up there in Greenly?”

“It’s a complicated balance.” Jasper shrugged.

Riley continued. “Anyway, that night was the first time I was with her. It was also the first time I didn’t pull out in my life. Like, I couldn’t physically make myself leave her body. I wanted to fill her, even with the condom between us.”

“Okay, so we’re both fucking horndogswhohave gone allcavemanduring a good time. That doesn’t mean anything. Atall.” Jasper grabbed Callahan’s discarded shorts from the chair under Jace’s ass. “After that night it was so clear Blake was yours. Youstarted acting insane. And once she got here? You both lostyour minds.” He pointed at the girl in question across the yard. “Callie has been here with me for a few weeks, and I’m still perfectly sane.” He gestured wildly, accidentally smacking himself in the head with her shorts.

“Yeah, you seem real put together.” Jace rolled his eyes.

“She’s not having any symptoms either. Nosign there’s anincompletebond.” His shoulders dropped, allthefight and energy drainedout ofhim. “I know you all wish she was mine, and honestly, so do I. It would make all this a hell of a lot easier.” He left them there, stalking off across the yard to help Callahan get up and into the shade before her creamy skin turned any pinker.

Chapter Twenty-Five


Callahan hadnever been so full in her life. Brisket, baked potatoes, beans, fresh homemade rolls,and more sweet tea than anyone should consume. She didn’t like a lot of sugar normally, but since she’d gotten pregnant,she craved it at least once a day. After thebarbequeall the guys had gone on a hike. She wanted to go too. Shetold Jasper she really needed to move and burn off some of what she shoveled into her mouth. He’d been weird, almost shifty while he convinced her to stay in the house with Axie and Blake. He said hiking up the mountain at night was dangerous when you didn’t have the terrain memorized like they did.

Now she was curled up in bed, cozyaftera long shower with three shower heads andanexpensive face mask Axie had given her. This was how the other half lived she supposed.

She hadn’t grown up poor, but her parents gave most of what they had back to the church. Decadence was a sin. And that shower was nothing if not decadent. She hadn’t spoken to her parents other than to let them know she made it. She texted her mother a few pictures of the clinic, updating them as little as possible. She wasn’t lying, she really was volunteering her time to help people who needed it. It wasn’t a mission, and she wouldn’t be spreading the gospel. Oh, and she was pregnant. But other than that, not lying.

She sighed, snuggling down deeper into her large comfy bed. Decadent. Lavish. The sheets felt amazing against her skin and the fluffy comforter had a bit of weight to it, which seemed to calm her.And everythingsmelled like Jasper. Every night she’d feel him slide in beside her. They didn’t speak. It was simply the comfort of each other’s presence. Two people, going through the same thing, being theretrying to bethe best they could be.

Jasper told her he wanted to raise the baby,toco-parent. She was leaning toward that decision too. Which meant telling her mom and dad: disappointingthemwhile invitingtheir opinions and guilt-inducing glares.

She didn’t have her own money, and she still had three years of school left. Would she need to quit and get a job? Where would they live? There was so much to discuss. She couldn’t seem to make herself bring it up though. She was afraid. What if they disagreed? Would he walk?

“You’re still up?” Jasper interrupted her thoughts, coming into her space and bringing that spicy scent with him. “Usually you’re snoring by now.” He glanced at his watch, a smirk on his lips.

She had more energy today thanshe’dhad over the last couple of weeks or so. She’d had a short nap in the sun,which helped. She felt refreshed, more like herself. She was glad she was here in Haxton. Maddi was funny, smart, and didn’t take anyone’s crap.Callahan wouldlearn a lot from Maddi,and from helping at the clinic.

“I don’t snore.” She scooted over, pulling the covers back and making room for him. “The baby snores, it just comes out through my nose.”

Jasper kicked off his shoes, laughing. “I don’t think it works like that. Youneed to take one of those biology classes Riley is insisting I pick up next semester.” He settled in beside her, reaching to turn off the soft lamplight bathing the roomin a golden glow.“Speaking of pregnancy stuff, we need to make you a doctor’s appointment, huh?”

It’d been on her mind, and her to-do list. She got the name of the OBGYN all the ladies in Jasper’s family used. “Yeah, Maddi sent me the information for her doctor.”

Callahanwasn’t necessarily putting it off,butshe hadn’t been ready. She knew seeing the baby, hearing the heartbeat, would make it all the more real. She could feel the changes happening inside her. The nausea, the sore breasts, the tightening of her stomach, the slight pull. She sighed, suddenly feeling a bit selfish. “I’m sure you’re anxious to get the confirmation, right? I’m sorry, I didn’t even think to—”

“No,it’snot that.I know you’re pregnant.” He turned on his side, his hand reaching out to rest gently on her abdomen. “I saw the test.I’ve heard you vomit.”

She mirrored his position, careful not to dislodge his touch. The heat from his hand, his scent, calmed her. When she was feeling queasy, a deep lungful of his sweatshirt or the feel of his palm on her helped. Not thatshe’dever admit that out loud to anyone. “I’ll call tomorrow and make an appointment.”
