Page 40 of Mind Blowing

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“Can I come with you?”hewhispered.

Jasper rarely whispered. He spoke like he knew exactly where he belonged in the world. Confident and in love with life. She envied that about him, and hearing him speak softly, almost like he was unsure of himself, upset her.

She put her hand on top of his. “Of course you can come.” She tapped him with her fingers. “First step in co-parenting, huh?Doctor’sappointments.”

“Is that what we’re doing? Isthat what you’ve decided?”

Was that hope in his voice? She’d been busy helping Maddi, but what had Jasper been doing with his days? She knew he was working with his brother, and hitting the gym in the basement with Riley. She’d been so focused on herself, what she needed and trying to decide what she wanted, she forgot there were two soulswaiting onher choices.

“Yeah.I think that’s what I want.” She shrugged, the large sleep shirt she wore slipping down to expose her skin. “That’s what you want, right?” He’d told her that a couple weeks ago. Maybe he’d changed his mind since then.

He smiled, nodding. “That’s what I want.” His hand moved to her hip, shaking her playfully. “Co-parents and shit?”

“Co-parents and shit.” She licked her lips, not sure why she felt so light in that moment. There was still a ton to figure out, logistics and cost. Her parents. Ugh, her parents. “I’ll call Monday when I get a break and make an appointment.”

“Let me.” His grip on her tightened affectionally. “You two will be swamped, a line wrapped around the building. I’ll call and make our appointment.”


“Really. I went to most of Maddi’s appointments, the receptionists thereloveme.” He winked, looking cuter than he had any right to.

Her breath came out all shuddering and embarrassing. She prayed he didn’t notice. Her pregnancy hormones were starting to make her a little, uh, hot.And bothered. Turned on.She refused to call herself horny, even in her own mind.

She closed her eyes and held her breath. She needed to rid her senses of the gorgeous,kind man warming her bed and begging toco-parent their child. She was smart. She knew she couldn’t let herself feel anything but parent stuff for him, butshe wasn’t a dang saint.

Air rushed out of her lungs when she felt Jasper start to massage her hips.

“Roll over, let me put you to sleep.”Gently, heguided her onto her other side. “Maddi’s hips ached so badthefirst trimester andthethird.” He began a slow methodical rhythm, squeezing and releasing. “When Linc worked late, I would rub her back.” He snorted. “Don’t tell him, he’ll junk punch me on principle.”

His fingers were magic, healing parts of her body she hadn’t even realized were tense and hurting. “You two are close, you and Maddi.”

“We are.” He paused his movements and his words for no more thana fewseconds. “Linc and I, we’re a lot alike.Maddi saw that pretty quick. She took me in, the annoying little brother she never asked for.” He chuckled. She was glad she was facing the wall and not staring into his pretty eyes while he worked her body so expertly. “They’re my family.”

“And you’re lying to them.” She was lying to her family as well, but she wasn’t having to look into her mother’s eyes every day while she did it. Jasper had gifted her with an out-of-sight-out-of-mind situation,and she was eternally grateful.

“I promised you time and space.”

“And I had it.” She grabbed his hand, placing it flat on her stomach. “We’vedecided. Ifyou want to, we can tell the rest of your family.”

“Yeah?” He pressed against her, pulling her back against his chest. “Maybe I can come meet you after clinic tomorrow? We could walk over to Linc and Maddi’s, tell them after dinner.”

He sounded more excited thanshe’dexpected. They were nineteen andwereaccidentally having a baby. Not dating, not in love. Just pregnant.

She allowed herself one small moment of jealousy. Jasper was looking forward to telling people he was going to be a dad. Heknew his family would support him no matter what. She longed for that level of comfort and certainty. That type ofunderstanding.

She knew she was going to receive the exact opposite fromher folkswhen the time came.

“Sure, if you’re ready, then I’m ready too.”

Instead of moving back to her side of the bed the way she knew she should, she allowed herself to snuggle deeper against Jasper.

She wanted to steal his emotions, his warmth, and his comfort.

She knew itwas wrong to rely on him. Itwould only make the rest of her life colder.But shewas too weary andtooemotionally drained throughand through.

She was out of strength for the day.

Tomorrow she’d be smarter, more independent.
