Page 42 of Mind Blowing

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Linc gasped, like he was outraged. “Rude.”

“There arelotsof things you are extremely good at, my love. But I don’t think meatloaf is one of them.” Maddi patted the back of his hand and tossed some of Allison’s cereal into her mouth. “Jasper has something to tell you, then I’m sure the two of them are going to get out of here. I’m honestly surprised the burntketchupsmell hasn’t made Callahan gag.”

“I’m breathing through my mouth.” Callie sent Linc a weak smile. “Meatloaf isn’t easy to make. Maybe start with, um, spaghetti? Or like, well, anything that isn’t a solid block of meat?”

Linc sent her a droll look, then pursed his lips. “You’re getting as snarky as the rest of these assholes, and I like it.”

Jasper chuckled, agreeing with Linc. Callahan was really coming into her own. He loved that she was comfortable enough to speak up and give Linc a hard time.

“What do you need to tell me? Did you get arrested? Flunk your first semest—”

“I’m going to be a dad.” He cutoffLinc, watching with amusement as his jaw dropped dramatically. “I’m the one who got Callie pregnant. So. Yeah. We’re having a baby.”

“You sperm-filled bastard.” Linc sighed, his shoulders sinking like Maddi’s had as his attention turned to Callahan. He sent her a small smile. “You fell for his shit?”

Callie laughed lightly, shaking her head. “He worked real hard for it, I assure you.”

“You suddenly got jokes?” Jasper squeezed her thigh playfully. Innocent and shy Callahan had drawn him in. Quietly strong Callahan had impressed him beyond measure. A sarcastic Callahan at Maddi’s dining room table? Well,that was enough to end him.

Her eyebrows raised, her lips twitching into a smirk he didn’t know she was capable of. “Show me the lie? You basically had to beg me to hang out with you, and you sat through hours of tutoring for it. Thenyou beggedme some more to go out with you, and you had to pose it as a group hang to get me to agree.”

Jasper scoffed. “Well, I wasn’t the one begging in the end, now was I?” He sent her a pointed look, the memory of her soft pleas filling his head. He shifted in his seat, trying to readjust his dick without everyone noticing. His wolf liked his current train of thought, panting for more for the first time since he’d slept with her and made that baby inside her.

“But wait, Callahan, the other night you said you didn’t know if you were going to keep the baby.”

She nodded. “We decided to co-parent. To raise him, or her.” She glanced at him, shrugging before giving her attention back to Linc. “We took our time making our decision, that’s why we didn’t want to tell anyone right away.”

“You’re having a baby?” Linc blinked rapidly, like he was still slightly in shock.

Jasper rested his arm along the back of Callahan’s chair. “We’re having a baby.”

“We need to tell the paaaaa…ople, the other people. In this family.”

He rolled his eyes at Linc’s slip and lame-ass save. He hated the reminder that Callahan was still in the dark. She had no clue she could be pregnant with a little shifter. No idea her life was now tied to a group of supernatural beings.

“Just what Jace will want, hosting another family dinner.” Jasper pulled out his cell, texting his twin.

J:We told Linc and Maddi about the baby. We need to have everyone else over, so we don’t have to do an announcement tour all over Haxton.

“Well, he shouldn’t have built a massive mountain estate with a dining room that seats twenty. He created his own worst nightmare.” Linc was pushing food around on his plate, pretending he was eating and not fooling anyone.

Jasper’s phone vibrated on the table with a response.

Jace:I hate you. But I’ll roast a chicken tomorrow night.

“You two get out of here.Callahan looks like she’s going to fall asleep sitting up.” Maddi stood, plucking Allison from her seat. “I’m going to put this one in the bath while Linc goes to pick up Chinese.”

“But I made dinner.” Linc pouted.

“You attempted dinner, and I love you for it.” Maddi dipped their daughter down so bothJasperand Linc could kiss her cheeks. “You go get food and then we can eat naked. Deal?”

Linc clapped his hands together, getting to his feet. “Fucking deal.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Telling Linc and Maddi Jasper was the father of her baby was way less stressful thanshe’danticipated. Jasper’s family was so different thanhers. They were messy, and it was somewhat chaotic. They loved though. They loved hard.And theysupported him—them. Linc and Maddi didn’t try to make them feel bad,andthey didn’t demand anything of them. The thought of telling her parents she was pregnant haunted her. It hung over her head like a black rain cloud. She dreaded it with a gnawing pit in her stomach. Haxton, St. Leasing, had become her sanctuary. The idea of leaving made her want to weep.

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