Page 53 of Mind Blowing

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He wasn’t putting their conversation off, he simply wanted to do it right.

From the moment he’d first had her in his arms, that was all he’d ever wanted. To do right by her.

He dropped down to his knees putting his hands on her stomach, closing his eyes and listening for the baby, making sure their son okay. Jaspercould hearhisheartbeat,couldtellhewas moving around. He kissed their baby, hugging her waist.

“Do I need to call Baze?” Linc had Maddi in his arms now.

“No, we got this.” Jace stepped to him, shaking his shoulder. “Come on, man, let’s get you two back to the house.”


Jasperdrove Callie home, the car ride tense and silent. He hadn’t been sure what to say, or how to even start the conversation. He was nervous as fuck. It was going to be hard enough to explain everythingbeforehe’d almost killed some cocky-ass new shifter. Once they pulled into the driveway, his cell phone rang, giving Callie the excuse she needed to jump out of the car and head inside without him. He let her go, he knew she was safe, and she wanted space.


“Hey, kid, we’ve got a problem.” It was Maddi and she sounded uneasy.

He stiffened. “Is it that punk? He got angry parents? I’ll come back to campus and apologize, explain what happened. I’m sure they’ll understand.” He wasn’t the first shifter who lost his shit on some douche who touched his pregnant mate.

“It’s not that.” Maddi paused, adding to the drama of the situation. “Callahan’s father was just here.”

“What in the actual hell?” He let his head drop to the steering wheel, banging it around a few times for good measure. Fuck his life, for real. “He’s not on his way to Jace’s right now, is he?”

“No, of course not.” The whole pack knew Jace took the location and privacy of his homeextremelyseriously. “I told him that she went on some bullshit overnight camping trip with Blake, who he assumed was my daughter by the way, and that he could meet her at my house tomorrow morning.”

“Fan-fucking-tastic.” He got out of his car. “I wasn’t sure my evening could get any better, and wouldn’t you know? It has.”

“Sorry, kiddo.” He could hear Maddi push her front door open, a sound he would recognize anywhere. “You want us to come over? Is there anything we can do?”

“I wish there was.” He sighed. “It’s time for me to be a big boy, huh?”

“You’d think that timewould’vealready come and gone when you found out you had a baby on the way.” She laughed, letting him know she was giving him a hard time. “She loves you, Jasper. She was made for you, and you were put on this earth to make her happy.” She paused, the sound of Allison’s giggles coming over the line. “You two are going to be just fine.”

“Thanks, Maddi. Love you.”

“Love you too, kiddo. Callme if you need me.”

He hung up and headed into the house, stopping short when Riley and Jace were waiting for him. His twin leaned his back against the island, tossing him a beer. “You ready to tell her?”

“Nope.” He twisted off the cap, downing half of it in a few long swallows.

Jace glared, his pack-beta-size irritation coming through loud and clear. “You want to try that answer again?”

“I’m not telling her tonight, bro.” Jasper polished off his beer and made a gimmie motion, prompting Riley to hand him another. “She’s pregnant, she’s mated,andshe just watched me try to murder someone for touching her,and in a surprising twist ofwhat the actual fuck, her father is in town.”

“Are you serious?” Riley straightened.

“Hand to god.” Jasper drained his second beer.

Jace nodded, lips pursed. “What’s the game plan? If that man is on his way to my house, I might go postal.”

“Maddi told him she was camping with Blake.I’m taking her to meet him in the morning.”

“Does she know?” Riley grabbedabeer, twisting it open and flicking the top across the kitchen into the trash.

“Not yet.” He pushed away from his spot near the garage door. “I’m going to go tell her now. Therest will have to wait until after we deal with her parents.” Jasper waved over his shoulder on his way out of the room; he didn’t have the energy tobother totell them good night.

The world was resting on hisshoulders, threatening to crush him with everynewthing that came his way.
