Page 61 of Mind Blowing

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One thing she knew for sure: shewas happyandat peace.

Her world suddenly made so much sense.

“When are you two headed back to Greenly?” Keller had the other twin in his arms. “Fall semester starts before too long, right?”

“Few weeks.” Jasper glanced across the kitchen to his brother. “I’m sure Jace is counting down the days.”

Jace’s smile was wicked. “Twenty days.”

“Two shifters, one Barbie doll, and one baby momma.” Riley laughed. “Our house is getting crowded.”

“Jasper and Callahan are moving into the house across the street.” Jace took a prim bite of his omelet.

“I didn’t know it was for sale.” Blake shoved a cinnamon roll in her mouth.

Jace grinned. “It wasn’t.”

“You bought us a house?” The car, the house, it was all too much and more than she was used to. Jasper wasn’t controlling like his twin. He cared about her safety, it mattered to him if she ate and got enough sleep. He didn’t make big decisions without speaking to her first. Well, other than bonding them for eternity.

“Ibought us a house.” Jasper wrapped his arms around her waist, his palms resting on their baby. “And I paid Jace back for the SUV. I take care of you. That’sthe way this works.”

“Well, except for the nannies I’m vetting, and doctors I’m doing background checks on.” Jace shrugged. “You’ll need an OBGYN in Greenly.”

Callahan didn’t bother to argue; she didn’t even want to. She was having a hard time distinguishing which reactionswerebecause she was now considered pack,and which ones were because she trusted Jace. In the end, it was all to keep the baby safe, so it was okay in her book.

“Do we get to submit baby names?” Axie was perched on the island, Jace leaning between her thighs. “I have a list started in my phone.”

“Same.” Riley raised his fork in the air.

Callie glanced at Jasper, her eyes narrowed. “Riley knows what I’m having, doesn’t he?” It made sense; if he could sense a pregnancy at fetal pole stage, then he should be able to sense the gender.

“Uh, well—”

“He knows.” Jasper cut off a blushing and stammering Riley.

Hergazetraveledaround the kitchen, taking in how many pack members were looking anywhere but at her. “How many of you know? Raise your hands.”

Every hand raised. She scoffed. “Nice. Okay, tell me. Boy or girl?” She turned in her mate’s arms, her eyebrows raised in question. “Well?”

He grinned down at her, holding her close enough that her bump pressed against his hips. He kissed the side of her neck, whispering against her skin. “It’s a boy.”

She gasped, unable to help her initial reaction. “A shifter.” She was still learning, still digesting everything it meant to be in a pack, to know the people she cared for turned into wolves and ran around the woods at night for fun. “Okay. Isthere anything else I should know? Now’s the time, right?”

“Nope.” Jasper rocked her side to side, playfully. “We’re having a boy. He’llbe a shifter like his dad. We’remated. That’s it.”

“Is it?” Axie gestured with her head toward Riley and Blake. “I thought there was one more piece of your past you needed to explain.”

Blake pouted out her bottom lip. “Ouch, lover. Whoseside are you on?”

“It’s better it comes out now. Youknow I’m right.” Axie wrapped her arm around Blake, smacking a kiss on her cheek.

Riley’s arms were crossed over his chest and Linc looked downright giddy.

Callahan was completely lost and becoming more nervous by the second. “Can someone tell me what’s going on? I’m kind of freaking out here.”

“I’m going to explain everything, I promise.” Jasper picked her up, carting her out of the kitchen and toward the stairs. “I feel like this conversation would go better if I could mumble the truth against your pussy as I provide you with multiple orgasms.”

