Page 45 of The Hunter's Heart

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His berserker rose to the surface, anxious to ensure she was safe. He pushed her gently behind him.

“Is this really necessary?” she asked.

“Yeah,” he said.

She rested her head on his back with a sigh, wrapping her arms around him. “Lead the way.”

She straightened behind him, keeping her hands loosely on his waist. Although his beast was ready, he didn’t feel like going on a killing spree, which was kind of what he’d always figured his berserker would do when faced with an unknown situation. What his beast shared with him then, though, was thathewasn’t afraid of what they were walking into. They were stronger and faster than any wolf, and Mia would be safe no matter what, because it was his sole purpose in life now to keep her from harm.

They walked into the kitchen, and he pulled her from his back to his side, keeping an arm around her. Seated at the small table were Acksel, her parents, and Malachi. Four older males stood behind them. He guessed them to be the elders of the pack, including Acksel’s father, Dade. Two other wolves were there also: Ren, the beta of the pack, and Sam, the theto.

Mia was stiff next to him, and through their connection as mates he could feel her worry. They’d been expecting a conversation with her family, and instead they were now facing the pack leaders.

No one said anything for a moment, the silence stretching in the air thick enough to be tangible. Then Donna, Mia’s mother, stood and moved quickly to them. Lucian released his hold on Mia, but grabbed her hand as she embraced her mom. Both females started to cry, and Lucian looked at John, her father, who had risen to his feet slowly.

“I want to know if my daughter is still in danger,” John said. “And why the hell no one knew you were a berserker.”

Mia separated from her mom and moved to stand in front of Lucian, drawing both his arms around her like a coat and gripping them tightly. Lucian loved how fearless she was. Just like in the hunters’ offices, she appeared to be entirely unafraid of anything she faced. He knew her well enough to know that she reallywasnervous, but she wasn’t going to show it.

Donna rejoined John at the table, sliding into her chair and dabbing at her eyes with a napkin. “Malachi, let your sister sit down.”

“I’m fine,” Mia said, before he could move. Lucian inhaled her sweet scent. Just holding her and scenting her was enough to keep the beast in check, although he still didn’t sense any danger from the pack. They were clearly agitated and worried, but that was all.

He cleared his throat, ready to explain about his past, when the front door banged open and Brynn’s highly annoyed voice rang out.

“Acksel! Are you fricking kidding me?” Brynn, her belly swollen with child, stormed into the kitchen and leveled an angry glare at her mate. “You were going to have a discussion with my bestie without me?”

“Sweetheart,” Acksel said, his voice filled with a growl. “Don’t upset yourself.”

Brynn threw up her hands. “Look at me! I’m already upset! And this baby is kicking me. Stop it!” she put her hands on her belly and stared down at it, as if she could will the child to cease.

Mia giggled, and then coughed to cover it up. Brynn spun on her heels and in two steps had swooped in and gripped his mate in a fierce hug. “I can’t believe you didn’t call me!”

“When you were kidnapped, you didn’t call me.”

“I was unconscious,” Brynn pointed out. “And yeah, I did too call you, from Doc’s room.”

“Oh.” Mia frowned. “I didn’t want you to worry. I’m really fine. Lucian killed all the bad guys and we’re mated.”

Acksel moved to Brynn, pulling her away and whispering in her ear. She grunted and then folded her arms. “Herr Bossy Pants says I have to sit down if I’m going to stay, so can we move this whatever the heck it is someplace more comfy?”

Mia nodded. “Let’s go into the family room.”

Malachi and the others brought the kitchen chairs into the family room, which sported a couch, matching chair, and ottoman. Mia led Lucian to the fireplace, where she resumed her stance in front of him, their bodies tightly pressed together and his arms locked in front of her. When everyone was seated, and Brynn had stolen a yogurt from the refrigerator to eat, Lucian began to explain about his past. He felt like he’d relieved his childhood a hundred times since he’d rescued Mia. But where there had been shame in his past, he now felt only sadness. He’d been lied to by his mother’s family, and lost out on a relationship with his father. But more than that was how afraid he’d been of the beast living inside him.

“Because I kept the berserker magically caged, I never felt a true calling to Mia as mates. I felt…something, but it was so muted I was able to stay away.”

Donna shook her head. “I don’t understand why your father didn’t fight for you.”

“Money, mostly. My grandparents saw the opportunity to raise me themselves and took it. I was young enough to believe their lies. I honestly didn’t remember anything about my mother dying, which in a way is a blessing, but it also means I was poisoned against my berserker because of them, too.”

Malachi, who still looked angry, said, “So if you hadn’t kept the berserker under wraps, you would’ve mated Mia before?”

Mia’s fingers curled into the tops of Lucian’s hands. “Of course.”

Mal snorted. “I just find it hard to believe that there’s magic powerful enough out there to keep anything under wraps, let alone a monster who by all accounts is one of the most dangerous creatures in existence.”

Mia growled. “Lucian and I are marked and mated. If you’re going to be an ass, Mal, then hit the road.”
