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Nothing I couldn’t handle.

I searched through the Versace website and landed on a deep red evening gown. It was quite expensive, but I could easily afford it. I made more than enough money than I knew what to do with. Being paid well and hardly ever leaving the house meant I was just stockpiling paycheck after paycheck. I hardly ever went out, and after investing in my retirement portfolio, I had ample funds to do whatever the hell I wanted. The problem was, I just didn’t have the time freedom to do whatever I wanted.

I looked at the dress, and my finger hovered over the trackpad, deciding. With a plunging neckline and a plunging back, it was a showstopper, and it hugged the model in all the right places. I knew I’d never have anywhere to wear it. I added it to the cart anyway and checked out.

Why the hell not?

Hell, I could wear it around the house if I wanted. I opened a new tab and went to another online shop, and started looking at skincare. I wasn’t really a makeup girly, but I did take good care of my skin.

Suddenly, a notification flashed up on my laptop.

Another security breach.

I sat up, surprised, and opened the notification.


I quickly assessed it, and sealed off the breach, but before flagging it to my team leader, I started digging around a bit. It was definitely the same person as earlier, and they were hacking right back in.

I smiled to myself, feeling mischievous. I wasn’t supposed to dig further into the security threats. My primary job was to catch the breaches as they happened, isolate them, and send them up the chain of command so that another division could assess the individual security threat. My job was to protect the data. Simple and boring.


But every once in a while, I snooped anyway. I was slowly gathering information and data that I might be able to use to buy my way out of the predicament I was in. I was always on the lookout for a way out.

Besides, the agency wasn’t even using half my skill for this damn job. I suspected that they kept everyone's roles extremely isolated. No one person touched too much information, they spread it out to make us less dangerous.

I didn’t even know who my team leader was, aside from their username on the secure chat line we used. We communicatedexclusivelyover our secure chat. We never spoke over the phone, and we’d never met in person. I had no idea if my team leader was a man or a woman, old or young.

The only person I’d actually met from the agency was Viktor, who I occasionally reported to when I’d screwed up. He was the one who had hired me in the beginning and he was there for the occasional wrist slap, and that was about it. I didn’t even know Viktor’s last name, for that matter. He was just Viktor, like the all powerful seeing Oz. Only a first name, a floating head bossing me around, despite how much I hated it.

I knew I should be grateful. Working a job that paid me super well was a generous alternative to the terrorism charges I was being faced with when they forced me into the agency. It was this or prison.

Even living in the free world, I hated how trapped I felt just the same.

My fingers hovered over the keyboard for half a second before I went for it.

Fuck it.

I sealed off the breach and went down the rabbit hole to see who was after the information. I quickly hacked through their security wall, but before I could start digging around, I was booted out.

Hmmm. Not half bad.

I smiled to myself and cracked my knuckles.

Let’s see what you can do.

I quickly set up a trap door for the other hacker. Once they came through it, I’d be inside their computer before they knew what was happening. I’d be able to access everything on their hard drive. If they had a camera on their computer, I could even turn it on and watch them. I wasn’t sanctioned to do this kind of hacking, but if I could identify who this was, give the agency a nice big fat fish to fry, maybe it’d earn me some privileges. Perhaps a break, or some time off. Or maybe some blackmail I could store away for a rainy day. Whatever it took to secure my freedom. I was facing terrorism charges if I didn’t play their way, at this point, blackmailing someone would be cupcakes and rainbows. I didn’t like it, but over the last few years, I’d learned that no one was going to take care of me, but me.

I took a sip of my Diet Coke and waited anxiously to see if they would take the bait.

I bit my lip and smiled.

Too easy.

They went straight for it.

I quickly hacked into their system and traced the IP address. It looked like they were in Iran.
