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“It’s alright, keep going.” I panted.

His eyes swept over mine, frantically; reading, interpreting, wondering. As if, as if he suddenly knew.

“Do it or they’ll know.” I hissed.

He hesitated for a moment, and I bit his shoulder as he gently eased the rest of the way in. He waited for a long moment, and then in a voice so soft, in my ear closest to the wall, he breathed. “I didn’t know. I didn’t know.”

“I know.” I hummed, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and gripped him to me. My shield, my protector, my savior, and he couldn’t bear it, that he’d been forced to do this to me, to save me. I could feel it in the shakiness of his voice as soon as he’d understood what was happening. What he was taking.

More insults, more demands were hurled at us, and I braced as Mason pulled back just enough to look at me with such sadness, and then he consumed my mouth with his, as passionately as he had last night, and he snapped his hips into me.

As I gasped at the sudden fullness again, his mouth consumed any sounds of pleasure or pain as they slipped out of me. And then, before I knew it, it was over. He pulled himself into me one more time, hard and fast, and shuddered, jerking against me, his breath ragged in my ear.

That was it.

He’d come inside me.

It was done.

Mason stayed frozen in place, his body still blocking mine from view. I heard shuffling, and some clapping and crude talk; some of it in English, some of it in a language I didn’t understand.

“Thank you for the material," a voice said.” And then finally, it went quiet. The light in the room went out, and then a cold clanging of metal, locking keys, and then more quiet.

Mason turned over his shoulder, and swept the room with his eyes, empty, and then he slowly pulled out of me. I shuddered at the sensation.

He stood up, and handed me my pants, and quickly pulled his own on, and then his eyes flicked to my bare chest, and he didn’t look away, he just once again kneeled on the cot. “Arms up.” He instructed gently. And he pulled his T-shirt over me, covering me.

He looked at me quietly for a long moment before finally speaking. “Emma–”

I swallowed hard and quickly leaned forward and pressed my fingers to his lips. “Don’t.” I whispered hoarsely. I could see the pain swirling in his eyes. “We did what we had to, and that’s all there is.” He took my hand from his lips and he took it in his, kissing the back of my hand tenderly. His gaze traveled over my face, and something, possibly pride, flickered in his eyes briefly before he licked his thumb and wiped my face. I looked at him with a question in my eyes.

“Blood.” He said and his eyes hardened again.

And then, he was all business. He stood up and surveyed the room, the window, the door, the ceiling. He paced the room over and over, taking in our surroundings, taking in our cell.

I watched him quietly, letting him calculate, consider, and hope. After some time, I finally laid back on the cot and stared at the ceiling. I didn’t know what they were going to do to us, or what was going to come, but I found a brief moment of peace. It was a brief moment of being able to pull big full breaths of oxygen into my lungs, and for that I had never felt more grateful.

I stroked my throat, presumably where the zip tie had dug into my skin, and my heart raced at the memory of fighting for air. Of thinking I was going to die, of thinking I was so close to pulling in breath, but being unable to while my lungs filled with water instead. As I laid there, I suddenly felt so, so tired.

And then finally, I felt those big, warm hands snake over and under my body, and I felt Mason wrap himself tightly around me. The warmth of his breath sent another shiver up my spine. “I’ll be awake.” He said. “You can close your eyes if you need to.” He spoke softly in a soothing voice.

“Did you find a way out?” I grumbled, not having the energy to hardly get the words out, my throat raw and hoarse.

He sighed. “No, not yet.”

I pushed myself back into Mason’s body; I wiggled my hips back into his. I felt him tense as I rubbed against him. If I didn't have this, if I couldn’t be even alittlemischievous, what did I have?


And that wouldn’t do at all.

Not at all.



Hours later,my mind wandered to Arash, and I wondered if he’d come. If he did, I hoped it was soon. What had just transpired was horrific, but if we couldn’t get out, I knew it would pale in comparison to what would follow. The things they’d do to us, the things they’d do to Emma.
