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I slipped into my black suit and black bowtie and realized my hair was a post romp in the sheets, mess. After a knock on the bathroom door for my hair product, Emma cracked the door and shoved it through before immediately shutting the door again.

I drawled through the closed door. “I promise I won’t ruin you again until you ask me to.” I drummed the pads of my fingers across the door as I turned to go to the hall bathroom instead.

After a moment, the door cracked open, and I turned around to catch her giving me a glimmering look. “Who said it was you I was worried about? Don’t tempt me, Mace.”

“I wouldn’t never, darling.” My words were laced with subtext.

She grinned, and I gave her a wink before she quickly slammed the door with a giggle and the lock clicked into place again.

I went downstairs and a brief while later, Emma stood behind me, softly clearing her voice.

I turned around, “Shit.” She gave me a shy little smile, and I drank every delicious inch of her in as she turned for me to admire her every curve, from every angle. Walking temptation itself.

“What do you think?”

“I think we’d better get going before I shred that thing off you.” I closed the distance between us, and her eyes told me that her hands were struggling just as much as mine, to stay off each other. “You look beautiful.” I chuckled. “Youalwayslook beautiful, but you lookparticularlybeautiful tonight.” She blushed at the compliment.

I placed my hand on her back and guided her over to the table in the hallway, and stood behind her as she faced the large mirror. “One more thing.” I pulled a black lace mask out and lowered it over her eyes.

Her mouth parted slightly in surprise as I tied the smooth black ribbon securely around her face. “I see why you were willing to take me as your date now.” She rolled her eyes playfully before biting her lip. “And yours?” She turned around and grabbed me by the lapels while I placed my own mask on. “You look so handsome.” She breathed. Her eyes flickered over my chest and her hands slid over my biceps. “I’ve never seen you in a suit, it’s...” She cleared her throat. “It’s quite, the ah, turn on.” I could hear the raspiness in her voice and see the change in her breathing.

I raised my eyebrows at her. “Just say the word. I don’t mind being late.”

She grinned, “Yes, you do.”

“Not if it’s for good reason.”

“Don’t tempt me, Mason Reynolds, be good.”

I quickly closed the gap between us. “Again, it’s so cute when you think you can tell me what to do.” I pressed my hips into hers so she was pinned between me and the hallway table. She shifted so she could feel my length against her. My hands, propped up on either side of her, braced on the table behind us. I leaned down and brushed my mouth over the shell of her ear, causing her eyes to flutter shut. I whispered into her ear, “Tell me what to do again, and I’ll have to teach you a lesson.” I lazily stepped back as she struggled to catch her breath and I offered her my elbow with a wicked grin. “Shall we?”

* * *

We arrived at a lavish house,and our driver dropped us off in front of the door. We made our way up the steps to the event. The plush carpet rolled out over the marble stairs damping our every step. Finally, we reached the top step and, with Emma on my arm, we headed into the ballroom.

I shook my head, knowing blood had paid for this estate and all the lavish finishings in it. Further motivation to take down its owner.

As we stepped into the main ballroom, Emma tried not to gape, but she whispered to me as she gazed at the ornate paintings on the ceilings and the crystal chandeliers. “Holy shit.”

We were surrounded by other lavishly dressed individuals in masks, no one the wiser to who we were, or that we weren't invited. And looking at Emma, in that dress, she was the most beautiful of them all. “You’re more fucking beautiful than anything or anyone in this room, Emma.” Her hand squeezed my arm in response.

And I was right because as we made our way further into the room, all the eyes slowly flickered to Emma. A shot of pride found its way to my dick. She was so damn beautiful, and as I watched everyone watching her and only her, I realized just how much of a bubble I’d been in. Every man in this room had lust in their eyes as they peered through their masks in Emma’s direction.

Suddenly, I noticed a man in particular; he was dressed in a cream tuxedo, and had dark hair and warm skin that glowed from many hours in the sun. I kept my eye on him as he kept his eyes on Emma.

Suddenly I felt fiercely possessive, and placed my hand on the small of her back, and let it graze lower, lower, lower over her bare skin. A subtle but possessive hand placement that told everyone in the room to fuck off. She was mine, and mine alone. But with the steep dip of the front of her dress, and the extremely low cut in the back, I knew they would look. And I didn’t blame them. Even the most disciplined man would have a hard time keeping his eyes to himself, but fortunately I didn’t have to. Emma stood confidently, the smooth red of her dress, matching the red on her lips, and when she slowly turned to look at me, I had to stop myself from taking her into a dark closet and smearing that red lipstick over her entire body. I had to keep my eye on the prize. We were here to get information, and eat a few hors d’oeuvres and get out.

“Why are they all looking at us?” She asked a little nervously. She touched the mask on her face, adjusting it. “I feel like I’m not supposed to be here, and they know it.”

“They’re not looking atus, they’re looking atyou.” I chuckled, “Because you’re the sexiest woman in this room. Get used to it. It’s going to be a long night.”

She chewed her lip and gave me a little smile. Even underneath that mask, I could recognize those sparkling eyes anywhere. Though I didn’t plan to let her leave my side for a minute, I knew I wouldn’t need to see her eyes to identify her. She was a beacon of beauty that stood out from all the rest. There was no mistaking her for anyone else tonight.

We milled around for a bit, drinking champagne, making small talk. A few men asked her to dance, and she politely declined. After a glass of champagne and realizing that I wasn’t going to disappear without telling her, she’d finally warmed up and loosened her grip on my arm. With a little confidence from the mask, I assumed, I was delightfully surprised at the bits that Emma would come up with as we talked with each new person.

She’d kept an impressively straight face while weaving together the most detailed stories about our dating history. As the night went on, she got bolder and bolder. It had started with innocent stories of her saving my life as an EMT and how we’d fallen in love. Sweet, cliche, slightly believable.

But I’d nearly spit out my champagne as we spoke with a sweet white-haired older woman. Emma had decided to go real big, telling her how she’d been so excited when she got the call to come in for work. That she was a high end escort and how she was going to get an extra large bonus from her boss, if she gave me a happy ending tonight. I’d almost lost it and had to bite my cheek until I tasted metal as the older woman looked between us, mouth agape, and tried to so kindly offer Emma life advice.
