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He rounded in front of me and his eyes prowled over me, like a wolf sizing up its prey. “You wouldn’t want to embarrass me in front of all my guests, would you?” He saw in my eyes that I didn’t know he was the host. “Besides, if a lady as lovely as yourself is going to crash my party, I’d like to know who she is.” Still, he held his hand out.

I looked at the guards nearby who looked like they were ready to pounce if I decided to kick him and run, and then around at the eyes watching us, watching me, watching him.

Mason will be back any second.

Against my better judgment, I took a breath in and steeled myself, reluctantly following him to the dance floor.

Knowing who this man was, I knew it was even more important that I bought Mason a window, because I didn’t dare to think about what would happen if either one of us got caught red-handed. I nodded, forcing a small smile onto my face as he led me out to the dance floor.

Hehadn’t actually ever touched me, but all the same, I tried not to shudder when he slipped his hand around my waist, and took my other hand in his. And I tried to control the urge to kick him in the balls as he comfortably slid his hand down my bare back until it was far too low formycomfort. But aware of all the watching eyes, I didn’t dare speak or shove his hand away. I felt like a deer frozen in the headlights. Or maybe I was a clever fox, keeping him busy while Mason gathered the information we needed to take him down. I wasn’t sure if I was the predator or the prey. But I certainly felt like prey.

“So tense.” He spoke into my ear, and his hand gripped my back tighter.

Suddenly, the room started to close in on me, and I tried to pull my hand from his, but his grip only tightened.

We began to move to the music, and I felt like I was going to puke. “I need to use the restroom.” I whispered out. I was going to faint or scream or run. I wasn't sure. I had to get out of this room, get his hands off me,now.

“Well, why didn’t you say so, beautiful?” The words came out like a threat.

He danced us to the edge of the room, and then guided me to the hallway and I breathed a sigh of relief when he finally released his grip on me, and I made a beeline straight into the bathroom without looking back.

I took my sweet time and dabbed my face with a single use hand cloth and some cool water. I gripped the edge of the sink and steeled myself.

Mason will be back at any moment.

Suddenly, a large, wide man appeared in the bathroom. “Mr. Shah wanted me to check on you.”

I steadied myself on the counter and looked around. There was no one else here. I figured if there was going to be a scene, I’d rather be out in the hallway closer to people, not here in the bathroom where there was one way in, and one way out. “I’ll be out in a moment.” I glared at him.

“I’ll wait.” He said and crossed his arms and stood watching me, blocking the doorway.

I rolled my eyes and applied some lipstick from the tiny clutch that dangled on a thin, delicate chain from my arm. I had to pretend I was still doing something for the moment. I took my time, and finally, when I couldn’t think of anything else to kill more time, I reluctantly motioned for the giant oaf to move and he escorted me back into the hallway.

Mr. Shah’s body guard followed me out, but I breathed a sigh of relief when I didn’t see Shah, and I turned to head back to the main ballroom. If Mason was done, he was probably in the ballroom looking for me, wondering where I was. I needed to get back to the main room with everyone.

As I started down the hallway toward the ballroom, my breath hitched as Mr. Shah appeared from a doorway in the hall and cut me off. “Feeling better?” There was almost a snarl in his voice.

“Much.” I nodded and moved to walk past him. One of his other body guards appeared from the room and blocked my path.

“I’d like to show you something.” He smiled, but his eyes were anything but smiling.

“I’d really like to get back now.” I tried to say confidently as I went to sidestep him, but I felt my voice waver anyway.

“I won’t keep you long, darling, I promise.” His words were cunning and charming, but I didn’t believe him for a damn second.



I looked around,feeling more and more trapped and agitated as they herded me. Finally, Shah looped his arm around me and I tried not to shrink back as he did so. I tried not to give him the satisfaction, even though I was repulsed by him.

“It’s just right down here, a little something special for a beautiful lady like yourself.” He guided me further and further down the long hallway, and with the plush carpeted floor, the sounds of the ballroom got quieter and quieter. I debated screaming for help, but I didn’t dare use Mason’s name. The farther we got down the hall, the more I realized no one was going to hear me, even if I did scream, and the panic set in further.

It was all happening so fast, and I wasn’t reacting even remotely quickly enough. Now I was cornered and no one was around to hear me.

We approached a tall ornate door and when he went to unlock the room; I caught his veiled surprise that the door was already unlocked. I prayed that this was where Mason went, and that he was inside already.

Shah ushered me into a study. The room had a large desk in the middle; the walls covered in books, ornate vases and statues were sprinkled around the room, and thick heavy curtains that went to the ceiling hung at the windows.
