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I needed Emma.

Suddenly, something caught my eye in the window. I tensed for a moment and then relaxed, seeing it was Emma’s small frame in the reflection. I watched, slightly amused, as she edged along the side of the house, not realizing she was in plain view, the angled kitchen window catching her reflection and completely giving her away.

Then my chest tightened. Her arms went up as she moved closer to the back door. She still had the gun.Mygun.

What the fuck is she doing?

I stayed put, knowing it was probably best ifIdidn’t come at her. I’d lethercome to me.

She disappeared out of the window reflection and I couldn’t help but smile to myself as I heard the back door softly jiggle and then finally stop. She hadn’t come barging in through the front door, and she had my keys, so she was certainly up to something.

Apparently coming to shoot me.

I tried to decide what I thought she was really going to do. Shehadshot the wall in my bedroom, far too close to my head for comfort.

I sat listening for a moment. I craned my ear, waiting for the next sign of her. The garage door handle jiggled and then it went quiet.

After a moment, I heard a key turn in the lock, and the door opened softly.

I was impressed and slightly proud as Emma crept up on me. I almost couldn’t hear her, she moved softly and carefully. Despite her best efforts, I still knew exactly where she was behind me. But I stayed put, not wanting to startle her. After everything, I’d at least give her the courtesy of not scaring the shit out of her again.

I wondered if it was a bad gamble.

She might shoot me before I could get another word out.

Then, before I had the chance to change my mind, the cold barrel of the gun pressed against my neck.

I tried not to smile at the naivety of it. “Emma.” I said evenly.

“Mason.” She ground out.

“Can you put the gun down?” I asked gently. “I think we have a lot to talk about.”

She pressed the barrel more firmly against my neck in response. “I know it was you.” I could hear the hysteria in her voice, it unsettled me, and I didn’t dare let her go a moment longer with the gun pressed against my neck.

In one swift motion, I spun around and twisted the gun out of her hand. She stumbled back, crashing into the wall wide eyed. In another swift motion, I pulled the clip out and emptied the remaining bullet out of the chamber.

I set the gun and the ammo on the counter, but my eyes didn’t leave hers as I did so. Then it registered. My eyes trailed over her fully, taking her in.

My throat went dry.

She was completely and utterly plastered in blood. Who’s blood I didn’t know. Her wet hair was plastered against her face, and she had a wild, crazed look in her eyes.

I took a step towards her, my protective instinct kicking in. “Emma, what happened?” I asked. I needed to check her to make sure she wasn’t injured. “Whose blood is that?” Panic laced my voice as I moved towards her.

Before I could blink, she lunged for the kitchen knives and pulled the biggest one out of the knife block. “Don’t come any fucking closer.” She screamed at me.

I realized I had unintentionally cornered her. Not good. And like a wild animal, she was panting, her eyes frantic, racing. My heart twisted at the fear she held in her eyes, the fear of me. The fear of whatever hell she’d just been through to be covered in that much blood. Her own or someone else’s, I didn’t know.

I held my hands up and spoke slowly, gently. “Emma… is that your blood? Are you hurt?”

“Don’t you fucking play stupid.”

I eyed the knife in her hand. If I’d had any doubt earlier that she’d shoot me, it was misplaced, because looking at her now, I knew she’d use that knife if she felt like she had to.

“What happened?” I pressed gently again.

“Oh.” She growled it out, as held the knife towards me. “You want to know what happened?” She sounded maniacal as she inched down the length of the kitchen towards the breakfast nook. “I killed those men you sent after me, so I guessyou’llhave to finish the job.” She panted and her eyes flicked away from mine for just a second. “If you can.”
