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I was done. I was over this. I couldn’t bear to look at her face when she looked at me like that. I quickly gathered the zippered pouch from my bag and pulled out the syringe, quickly filling it up.

“Wha— what is that for?” She stuttered. “Please, I’ll tell you whatever you want. Just please. I don’t want to die.”

“Shut up.” I growled. And I did need her to shut up. She was breaking my heart.

She broke out screaming as I turned back towards her. “Help. Somebody help me.” She eyed the needle. “No, no, no. What is that? Please.”

I injected her and very quickly her eyes started to get heavy and finally they closed, and her head dropped forward.

I leaned against the counter and looked at her. She was so small, so tiny. I shuddered, wondering how much worse it would have been if the team were here. I walked over to her and lifted her chin, inspecting the damage. I quickly snapped a photo and sent it off to Viktor.

Me: It’s done.

Viktor: She doesn’t look very banged up, Reynolds.

Me: Come on. This is good enough.

Viktor: You’ve always had a soft spot for her. Finish this job right, or I’ll send the team in for you both.


Gripped the counter angrily before I launched myself over to Emma and struck her hard this time. I stumbled back and gripped the counter as her head hung. At least she wasn’t awake for the worst of it.

Her lip was busted now and I could see a bruise lightly starting to form across her eye. I shook my head. I hoped it was enough for Viktor.

Suddenly, I became aware of the pain in my side, and I stumbled into the kitchen and lifted my shirt to inspect the damage. As I packed paper towels onto my bloody side, I smiled to myself. She had a fighter in her, that was for sure, and I had two knife wounds to prove it. As I pulled my shirt back down, I looked at my bloody hands and back at Emma.

I quickly went to work wiping my blood strategically on her, making her look bloody but believable. I snapped another photo and quickly sent it off to Viktor.

Viktor: Very good, Reynolds. Very good.

I smirked,knowing my little trick had worked. I had Emma to thank for that.

Viktor: Bring her into the facility

Me: You can’t be serious.

I stood staringat my phone, waiting for a response that never came.

Fucking hell.

There was no end to this. I shoved my things back into my bag and quickly cut the zip ties off Emma, and then scooped her limp body up against my chest.

It didn’t miss me, how her warmth seeped into me as I cradled her against me, willing some form of comfort to be transmuted to her.

“You’re ok, you’re safe.” I whispered softly to her. “I got you, baby girl. You were never in any real danger.” As I slipped out the back, I carried her into my house through the back door. I swiftly moved through the house and into the garage, where I loaded her into my jeep. “I’m so sorry.” I stroked her hair as I gently laid her across my backseat.

* * *

I stood stoically,with my arms crossed, watching Emma through the one-way glass. As I’d gotten to the facility, they’d loaded her up and taken her from me. After they processed her, they’d strapped her to a table and locked her in a cell.

I gritted my teeth. This was all so unnecessary. The intimidation was more than enough. This was overboard.

Emma slowly stirred, and her eyes fluttered open. I watched through the one-way glass as terror flooded her face as she woke up, and then relief at recognizing the facility, and then terror again, at the realization that she was strapped down.

She shook against the restraints as two agents entered the room.

“Why am I strapped down?” She spat, shaking against the restraints. “Let me go.”
