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“What? Oh.” I laughed, coming back to reality.

“So, how did the interview go?” She asked.

“Uh, I got the job.”

“What?! That’s great.” She beamed at me.

“Yeah, I start tomorrow, actually.”

“That's amazing.”

“Yeah, I’m just glad I was able to get something lined up so quickly.” I gazed out the window.

She reached across the table and squeezed my hand. “You’ll get your flower shop up and running in no time. I know you. You’ll figure it out. I know you will.”

I gave her a weak smile, knowing it was going to take me way longer than I wanted.

“So how was Hawaii anyway? Did you at least get a little R and R?”

I blushed and bit my lip, prompting Julie to look at me with intrigue.

“What does that mean? Does this have anything to do with your two days of bliss?” She drew out her words, her eyes getting excited.

“I may have spent some time with a handsome…” I didn’t even know what to call him.

“What!” Julie shouted across the table, her eyes wide with excitement, and then lowered her voice. “Who? Who did you meet?”

I smiled to myself, trying to conceal my smile, but I couldn’t help it. Thinking about Damian made me like a schoolgirl with a crush, and I was beaming cheek to cheek.

“Oh my god, details, I need details Addy!”

The server materialized with our pizza and we paused, gooning at each other across the table, waiting for the server to leave before we continued our juicy conversation.

“I, uh, wow. Where to even start? Um, let’s see. I met this guy– this man, at the hotel by the airport. Anyway, I must have looked a mess when I showed up still in the dress, with my puffy cry face, because he felt bad for me and paid for the entire night, and sent up a bottle of Dom Pérignon–”

“Holy Shit.” Julie ogled at me, hanging on every word.

“And then he had his driver take me to the airport in the morning, and it turns out he was also catching a flight, so we sat in the lounge and made small talk, and it turns out we were both going to Hawaii, and then itturns out…”I paused for dramatic effect. “When we got there, we realized we were both staying in the same hotel.” I threw my hands up, laughing.

“Of course you were.” Julie was melting over the table, her eyes delighted, waiting for the next juicy detail.

I continued, “Anyway, I guess he felt bad for me, so he agreed to pretend to be my husband so I didn’t miss my couple’s massage. There was a jacuzzi tub, and one thing led to another, and then the massage table broke.” I was giddy and blushing, remembering the details. My neck suddenly felt hot, and my cheeks hurt from smiling.

“You slippery little minx you!” Julie gushed at me, laughing.

I swallowed hard. “It was– he was.” My eyes were wide. “He was just– wow. You know?”

“So, did you guys shack up together the whole time?”

“Kinda, he was actually there for business, so he only stayed a couple nights, but yeah, I stayed in his penthouse suite, and we spent most of our time inside… and he took me on a private yacht to go snorkeling. It was a dream. It was so good I’m worried that maybe I did dream it, and it wasn't real at all.”

“Good for you.” She sat back in her chair and took a big bite of pizza. “Jack is such a fucking idiot. He has no idea what he lost.” She said through a mouthful of pizza. She chewed in contemplation for a moment. “So, are you going to keep seeing him, then? This Hawaii guy?”

“Oh no, it was just like an extended one-night stand. He knew the whole situation with the wedding, and I knew he wasn’t looking for anything serious. We didn’t swap contact info or anything, and we both agreed that we would enjoy each other’s company and then go our separate ways.”

“Except for that.” She said pointedly, looking down at my wrist.

I moved my wrist around, looking at the diamond bracelet Damian had given me.
