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Julie leaned across the table. “He’s either so filthy fucking rich that the bracelet was an afterthought, or he’s totally into you.”

I grimaced. “I think he might actually bethatrich.”

“Huh, well, that’s a shame.” Julie said, eyeing me.

“I mean, besides, I’m technically married. I have to get an annulment or something, anyway. I don’t know. It’s just a mess. Fucking Jack.”

“Yeah, Jack’s fucking is exactly what got you into this mess.”

I laughed and shook my head. “I don’t think I’ve fully processed it yet. Everything has been chaos from the moment I was buttoned into that stupid constricting dress.” I smiled to myself, remembering Damian ripping those buttons apart and how that had been the catalyst for the whole thing to begin with.

“How was Cancun?” I was tired of talking about myself and wanted to change the subject.

“Oh, it was amazing.” She gushed.

“Your tan looks great.”

“So does yours.” She shot back. “It’s amazing what a little Vitamin D can do for the soul.

“Yeah no kidding.”

“So…” Julie looked at me, concerned. “How are youreallydoing?”

I shook my head. “Honestly, I don’t fucking know. I’m terrified of running into Courtney somewhere. I have zero idea how that would even go. I’d be happy if I never saw her again.”

“Have you talked to Jack at all?”

“No, he keeps calling and leaving messages, but I’ve been avoiding him. I guess I have to talk to him sooner or later.”

“Do you think you would try to make it work if he said the right things?”

I raised my eyebrow. “No.”

Julie laughed and shook her head. “I was hoping that’s what you were going to say.”

“I don’t know. I don’t know how I’m supposed to move forward from here. One second I was on one track, and the next second I’m on a completely different track. Losing the flower shop is just the icing on the cake.” I could feel myself starting to get choked up.

“Maybe this is all a good thing, maybe… maybe it’s better that you found out about this now, rather than later?”

“That’s what I keep trying to tell myself.” I blew my nose on a cocktail napkin.

“Maybe this new job will be amazing, and it will be exactly what you need.”

“I doubt that, but that would be amazing if it were.” I sat there and stared at my pizza, not feeling very hungry.

We finished our cocktails, and each took a box of leftovers home. When I had walked the additional few blocks home, I was so ready to climb into bed, and curl up with Potato, my orange tabby.

I trudged up the stairs to my apartment, and as I pushed the door open, I was greeted by a small “meow”. I scooped Potato up. “At least I have you, right?”

Potato purred, and rubbed his face against mine in response. And then catching the sight of a strand of my loose hair hanging in my face, he immediately went into pounce mode.

“I should have named you Rascal. You’re such a feisty baby.”

I pulled out a can of wet food and cracked it open, and patted Potato on the head while he ate off a plate on the counter.

I wandered into the bathroom and peeled off all my clothes, stepping into a raging hot shower. When I finally felt like I might pass out from the heat, I wrapped myself in a towel, and went and flopped on the bed. I laid there looking at the diamond bracelet on my wrist and suddenly felt incredibly lonely.

Finally, I made my way under the covers and Potato found his spot next to my pillow and cuddled up, as close to my face as he could get.

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