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“Oh, what do you want me to say? Why thank you Mr. West for putting me out of business. Thank you, Mr. West, for ruining my life. It must be so convenient for you, Damian, that I lost my business, and landed right here in your lap for you fuck, just like you fucked my fucking business.”

“I didn’t ruin your life Easton, you did that all by yourself.”

“Fuck you, Damian.”

“Actually, I hear you didn’t get an annulment, so I guess I should say Mrs. Curran.”

“How do you–” I was fuming. “Don’t you fucking dare.” I jabbed a finger in his face. I was on the verge of tears now. This man that I had spent a mere few days with, who I’d had a blissful time with, who I had also poured out my heart to, knew all the right buttons to push. How the hell he was up to date about the intimate details of my sham marriage I had no idea, but I was pissed.

In Hawaii, we both knew we were going our separate ways, that we’d never see each other again. Which meant we both had more than enough ammo to fight dirty.

“I’ll bet this is why your wife cheated on you, I bet you didn’t take care of her, and you just stomped all over everything, and took whatever the hell you wanted whenever you wanted, regardless of what was best for her. I bet it’s why you lost David, too.” The moment it slipped out of my mouth, I knew I’d gone too far.

I saw a flash of sadness for a millisecond before it was replaced by a cold, precise terrifying anger. His eyes sharpened, as his face went hard.

“Get out.” He roared.

“Why don’t you make me?” I shouted across the room, feeling frenzied, but mostly it was that I felt frozen in place, unable to move. Besides, there was no going back now.

In a flash, he was across the room with his hand wrapped around my arm. He ripped the door open and pressed me into the door frame. With one hand above me on the door frame, and the other still gripped around my arm, he leaned down over me. The look in his eye was cold, and calculating, as the angry heat poured off of him.

All the warmth that I had come to know in his eyes had vanished. Now they were dark and terrifying. I hardly recognized who I was looking at. I felt a chill go up my spine as we stared each other down.

His voice was low and menacing. “If you ever bring up my wife again, you won’t have a job. Understand?”

I stood there pressed against the door frame, with his face looming in front of mine, trying to steady my breath.

“And don’t you fucking dare speak David’s name to me again.”

I stood pressed against the door frame with my heart racing. I could feel the tears starting to well up in my eyes, from anger just as much as fear and adrenaline.

“Do you understand?” He growled in my face.

I nodded, unable to utter words, unable to find my voice. I ripped my arm out of his grip and grabbed my purse off my desk as I made a beeline for the elevator.

I was getting the fuck out of here. I wasn’t going to put up with this bullshit for a second longer.

I stood in front of the elevator, willing myself not to cry, willing the doors to open quickly, so I could escape. I had to get out of here. I had to get the hell away from Damian. The doors slid open, and I collapsed against the wall, my chest still heaving with adrenaline. I felt sick. What just happened? What the fuck just happened?

I’m so screwed.



I paced around my office,the rage coursing through me, burning a path through my body. How dare she speak those names to me. As if there was anything sweet or thoughtful about the woman who flippantly weaponized the deepest pain in my life.

If she dared show her face here tomorrow, I would crush her for it.

One minute I’d been delighted to see her, and we’d fallen right back into the easy rhythm we’d found in Hawaii, and the next minute we were tearing at each others throats. That fucking woman had gone straight for the kill without a second thought. I had shared intimate details with someone who I was never supposed to see again, and look where it had gotten me.

Now here she was in my office, on my payroll, knowing exactly which buttons to push to destroy me. This is why I never shared a fucking personal detail with anyone. It was my mistake, and it wouldn’t happen again.

I paced the room in a fury. How the hell was I supposed to know that it was her building that I’d bought out? It was just business, nothing more.

To think after Hawaii, I had at Carter's behest, momentarily considered seeking her out, seeing if she wanted to continue on with what we had started. And it was just my fucking luck that she was tangled up in the most important deal of my life.

