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“Moreflowers?” He asked sarcastically.


“Hmmm. You really get around.”

“Fuck you Damian.”

“Not at the office, Addison.” His tone was sharp and serious.

I huffed, “It’s not like we talk to each other anywhere but in the office.”

“Then I guess you shouldn’t ever tell me to fuck off, seeing as I sign your checks.”

“If you must know, they’re from Jack. They’re always from Jack.” I could almost sense under his grumpy scowl that Damian seemed slightly pleased at my answer. Like he was pleased they weren't from some new guy. As if it were any of his business, anyway.

“He just keeps sending flowers as if it will fucking fix things. I can’t stand it.” I admitted, giving the flowers a death glare.

“I’ll take care of it.” He glowered.


“Don’t worry about getting deliveries anymore. I’ll take care of it.”

“Damian, you don’t need to do that. I can deal with it myself.” I didn’t need him imposing on yet another area of my life. He was already stepping on my personal life with the horrendous hours and odd errands he had me running all the time. I didn’t need him getting involved in this and making it worse.

He looked at me with a menacing look. “I don’t need my employees being harassed.” And with that, he went back to his office and slammed the door.

I sat there, smugly waiting for him to return, knowing that he had come out to ask me to do something. I felt slightly pleased at riling him up. I had to be careful. I was walking a fine line, but I couldn’t help it. I kept finding myself hunting for a morsel of control anywhere I could, and pissing Damian off enough to forget what he was going to say checked that box.

Suddenly, my phone rang.

“Get in here.”

“Sure thing, boss.” I hung up and walked into his office.

I pushed the door open. “Yes?” I said with a sigh.

“I need you to schedule a follow up meeting with Mr. Nagamori.”

“Ok, any preferences on when?”

He snapped at me, “God damn it, Addison. Do I have to micromanage you on how to do your fucking job, or are you capable of setting up a simple meeting?”

I bit my cheek to keep from spitting back an angry response. I needed this job, and even though I was beginning to hate Damian and this hot and cold thing we were doing, I didn’t feel like getting into it with him right now.

“I’ll get it set up right away.” I ground out as I went back to my desk.

I walked past my desk and went straight down to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of ruffled onion chips, ripping the packaging open and crunching on them furiously. Next time I was in his office, I would be breathing my onion breath in his face, and I couldn't wait. I knew that would push him over the edge.

Damian was really getting on my last nerve lately. I could see why he was so successful. He was completely unforgiving, doing whatever it took to move the business forward. While I was juggling a whole new set of feelings for him, I couldn’t help thinking back to Hawaii. I shook my head. It was like a completely different human. This version of Damian I fucking hated.

I made my way back to my desk and quickly called over to Mr. Nagamori’s office.

“Hi Claire.”

“Hi Addison.”

I’d made a small friendship with his receptionist, since we’d been back and forth so many times over the last few days, while the men we worked for danced around trying to prove who had the biggest dick.
