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“Mr. West? Nice. You can do your fucking job, Addison.” I snapped, and she shrunk back slightly, but I couldn’t help myself, and I kept going.

“I don’t have time for your little games.” I gestured to the coffee. “If you can’t get your shit together, you’re not going to have a job for much longer. Got it?” I was shouting at her now. “I will not tolerate fucking incompetence.”

Her chest was rising and falling rapidly, and I wasn't sure yet if I regretted taking such a sharp tone with her. We were in a downward spiral, talons locked, fighting for control, and she was going to be sorely disappointed if she kept fighting to come out on top. She would submit to me whether she liked it or not.

“Understood.” She had her shoulders pulled back, and was playing tough, but the waver in her voice gave her away. “Will that be all, Mr. West?” The amount of hatred she put on my name made my blood boil.

“That will be all.”

She whirled around and quickly escaped my office without another word.

The phone rang.


“Hi Mr. West, it's me again.”


“It seems we’ve hit a slight snag with Mr. Nagamori. He’s threatening to pull out, and build his hotel on that lot that Anthony Davis over at Davis Inc. is working on. I think they’ve been sweet talking him. He says they can guarantee him the corner lot, and he’s worried about things still being too up in the air on our end.”

“You can tell Mr. Nagamori that I’ve got his signed contract right here, and there will be legal ramifications if he backs out.”

“He said you’d say that, and to refer to clause twenty-three, section seven.”

I groaned. “Let me take a look and get back to you. Just keep him in limbo until I can figure this out then.”

I hung up the phone, feeling exasperated. I needed this fucking deal to go through, and I was going to see it through, if it was the last thing I did.

I opened my office door and made my way over to Addisons’ desk. She typed on her computer and ignored me. I noticed she was still wearing the bracelet I’d given her.

“Addison, I need you to pull up clause twenty-three, section seven of Mr. Nagamori’s contract with us. Print it off, and bring it into my office.”

“Sure thing.” She said darkly, and then noticing my eyes on her wrist, she turned fiery, and narrowed her eyes at me, and without looking away or uttering a word, she unclasped the bracelet, grabbed the trash bin from under her desk, and threw the bracelet into the trash can with hatred boiling in her eyes.

I narrowed my eyes at her and went back into my office without a word, but I was fuming. I waited until after she had left for the evening and then I went and fished the bracelet out of the trash can under her desk.

The next time I put this damn thing on her, she is never taking it off.

I would make sure of it. I angrily shoved the bracelet into my pocket and headed downstairs.

Mike was waiting for me in the lobby. “Closing time?”

“Closing time.” I responded, as was our ritual.

“I’m going to need to make a quick stop by the jeweler on the way home.”

“You got it.” Mike turned on his turn signal to make a left, instead of our usual right.



I staredat the bouquet of flowers on my desk and sat there fuming with the card in my hand. They were pretty, and it made me furious. It was yet another one of Jack’s sorry attempts to get me back. It was the third arrangement he’d sent me this week. As if flowers were enough to do it. And he’d decided to send ones he knew I’d like, because he knew I was picky.

I still hadn’t really spoken to him. I was still pushing it off. Somehow, Jack had used his last brain cell to figure out where I worked. I guess he figured if I wouldn’t answer his calls, this was the next best option. Now I was avoiding two assholes, and I was sick of it.

Damian strode out of his office with purpose towards my desk. He looked as if he was about to say something and then, clocking the flowers, he suddenly changed his mind.
