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“We should probably schedule to have some candid paparazzi photos taken, so we can get some positive buzz going around the two of you.”

“What?” I asked, stunned.

“Nothing crazy, I’ll just schedule to have some photos taken when you’re coming to and from dinner together. Showing affection to each other, building an affinity for the relationship, so we can move past the assault in the lobby as quickly as possible.”

“Great, we’ll go to dinner on Friday, and I’ll let you know what time,” Damian said, smirking.

“Works for me. Now stay out of trouble, you two, and I’ll try to clean this up the best I can on my end.”

“Thank you, Cheryl.” Damian hung up the line.

I leaned on his desk, feeling stunned. Now we were going to be announcing to the public that we were together.

“This is– you just said it. It’s not real though.” I stared at Damian, who went back to work on his computer and said nothing. “So, you’re just letting his happen?” I asked, feeling out of sorts.

“It would seem so.” He kept typing. “Wear something nice for dinner on Friday. We’ll go out after the event.”

“Sure, sure.” I nodded, feeling like the room was fuzzy.

“And from now on, Mike will take you to and from work.”

“What, why?”

“I’m not leaving you vulnerable and exposed. I don’t want you by yourself if Jack gets violent. I’d prefer you moved in, but this will suffice for now.”

“I don’t need a bodyguard.” I snapped.

“I’m not asking you. This is how it’s going to go. If you won’t stay with me, then at the very least, you’ll be escorted to and from work. Understood?”

“Fine, but that's it. I’m definitely not moving in with you.” Now I was just being stubborn, but Damian didn’t get to dictate everything in my life. He had been the one who had made this giant claim, and now I had to play along for God knows how long.

“What about my family?”

“What about them?”

“They’re going to see the news, or social media, and they’re gonna wanna know what’s going on. I wouldn’t just get engaged without telling them.”

“Well, then tell them.”

“But it’s not real.”

“No one has to know that.”

I huffed. “I have work to do.” And went back to my desk. I needed to be out of Damian’s orbit. I needed some space to think. I leaned back in my chair, feeling nauseous about the whole thing.

* * *

I was pickingup Damian’s dry cleaning, and I walked past the jeweler. I debated going back in and removing the bracelet again just to piss him off, but decided otherwise.

Mike was waiting for me in the car. I wasn’t even allowed to go get coffee by myself anymore. I felt like it was overkill, but I had received a few more sneaky notes from Jack, and a raging voicemail from him, when he saw the restraining order. Being babysat by Mike was a buzz kill, but I was definitely more than sick of Jack. He really was pushing things way too far. He needed to back the fuck off. It was getting more than annoying.

My phone range.

Oh fuck.

“Hey.” I answered the phone.

“Um, hi. When were you going to tellme, your bestie, that you’re engaged again in two seconds flat?”
