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“I do.”

“Are we all set for the event tonight?” I asked.

“Yup.” She was distracted as I ran my hands up her sides. “Catering should be here in an hour, and the flowers are all done.”

“Good. I’ll need you to put your best game face on and woo all these men.”

“I think I’m hardly the right candidate for that.”

“You’re exactly the right candidate for that.”

“I have to go check on things.” She breathily pulled out of my arms and opened the door, giving me a longing look.

When I went up to the roof a few hours later, I gritted my teeth and decided I would try to stay away from the edge. I wasn’t always wary of heights. I’d been repelling down a helicopter during a training exercise when the wind had picked up, and things had gone sour. I’d ended up with a broken leg.

I didn’t particularly love being high up, and I didn’t particularly love it when it was windy. I shook my head, hoping that the weather stayed kind, not only for me, but so that we wouldn’t have napkins and other things flying off the roof.

I looked around and spotted Addison. She had on a black cocktail gown and damn; she looked good. It fit her in all the right places, and with just the catering staff here, I pulled her to me. Her honey blonde hair cascaded softly over her shoulders, and her green eyes twinkled.

“What do you think?” She said with a grin.

“Very nice. But you look even nicer.”

“Why thank you.” She took my hand, making me twirl her. “I thought this would be perfect for our dinner date tonight.”

“It’s perfect.”

The appetizer table was overflowing with carefully placed pork belly skewers, shrimp skewers, charcuterie boards, and champagne among various other bite sized hors d’oeuvres.

We wined and dined the investors for a few hours, making small talk, and settling any unease because of the delayed timelines. Addison successfully charmed every investor there. I found myself gritting my teeth at the attention they were giving her. The looks she was getting. I knew what they were thinking. I gripped the edge of the table I was next to, while I considered throwing the next man that looked at her off the roof.

By the end of happy hour, I was more than ready to get out of there, and head to the main entrée. Addison in that dress.

When it was finally time to head to dinner, I laced my fingers through her, and Mike drove us to dinner.

As we sat over candle light, her eyes were soft and combing over me. My cock was hard and ready to take her home.

“What did you think? Did it go okay? Do you think they’re onboard?” She asked adamantly, seeking my approval.

“I think it went well.”

“That’s good.” She chewed her cheek, thinking.

“I think I made the right call, having you handle florals.”

“Well, that’s because you’re a really smart boss.” She smiled widely, pleased with the praise I was giving her.

After we’d eaten our entrees, and dessert was served, I pulled the ring box out of my pocket, and opened it, sliding it across the table.

Her eyes got wide. “Oh my God.” She breathed.

“For my fiancee.”


I took the ring out of the box and slipped it onto her finger.

“You’re mine now.” I spoke softly, tracing my finger over her hand.
