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“Several days before Eryk was executed, he made me promise that if something happened to him, I would get you South to your Keeper,” Elijah continued. “I agreed, not thinking anything of it. Our profession isn’t the safest. Something could happen at any time. I promised him, on my honor, that I would ensure you were safely delivered.” Elijah’s eyes lost their softness, growing intense. “I intend to keep that promise. Especially now that Liam has sacrificed his life to protect you.”

“Eryk saved all our lives in different ways,” Aiden added before I could ask about the Keeper. “He spent his entire life working to protect you. We would do anything for him; now, we will do anything for his daughter. We will make sure you’re safe.”

They had said Father’s name with intent, giving him the respect he deserved. It meant everything.

My eyes burned and my throat went tight. I blinked, desperately trying not to cry— afraid if I started crying, I wouldn’t be able to stop.

“Same,” Griffin grunted from the corner.

E.Z. spoke up as I was about to ask what Father had done to win that passionate loyalty.

“Yup, Kaia, you’re one of us now. Get comfortable.” His lips twitched upward. “Like, really comfortable. Feel free to remove any clothes if that will help you become more comfortable. I can help.”

E.Z. was known for his self-satisfied grin. It always showed in the tilt of his lips or the twinkle in his eyes, but now, it was downright terrifying.

“Just don’t ask Aiden to help,” E.Z. continued. “You know how he is. He would probably just steal the clothes right off your back rather than help to remove them.”

Aiden threw up his hands. “What are you talking about right now?”

I appreciated E.Z.'s version of an icebreaker; I could breathe better because of it, but I decided responding wouldn’t be wise.

“Why did Father want me out of the castle so quickly? Was he aware of Victor’s plan? Did he plan to kill the king?”

“Honestly, Kaia, I don’t know.” Elijah stood to sit on the bed, leaning towards me. “I grew suspicious when Eryk approached me the day of the assassination attempt, asking me to meet him later that night. He seemed shaken and wouldn’t talk in public. I agreed to meet him but didn’t know what was going on. I regret not getting there earlier, but Liam held me up. The front door was cracked open when I arrived, so I let myself in. Eryk was gone, so I never heard what he wanted to say. I found the note on the table saying the time had come and that we needed to act or something along those lines. I left it. Didn't think it was meant for me.” He paused, jerking his eyes away from mine to stare with a faraway look into the flickering fire. “I think I was the noise you heard. I probably woke you up. I was there right before the king’s men came.”

“Father didn’t receive a letter from the rebels asking him to kill the king,” I whispered as it occurred to me. My voice rose as I continued. “He wrote the note to you. You woke me up! You're the reason I was arrested.”

Elijah jerked his gaze back to mine.

“I didn’t know it was meant for me, or I wouldn't have left it. I only figured that out after.” Elijah ground his teeth. “Your door was open in the middle of the night. Should I have left you vulnerable? Don’t put all that on me. I’m guilty of many things but refuse to take that on.”

Elijah’s face said differently. I saw his guilt clear as day, and he was getting defensive.

It was cruel to accuse him of that. It wasn't his fault. Who could have seen that coming? But I wouldn't take it back. He could have apologized for his role, but he didn't, just like I wouldn't.

“Why didn’t you say anything in his defense?” I asked.

“I told my father, but we couldn’t do anything. The king was the witness.” He looked down at his hands, flexing them. “And honestly, your father asked me to take you away the same night he tried to kill the king. It looked like a confession.”

“Hmm.” It did sound like a confession.

“I contacted my team and told them what happened and what I needed to do. They all insisted on helping,” Elijah continued, returning his gaze to mine. “Getting arrested and the assassination plot against you put a twist on our plans, moving up our timeline significantly, but we would not have allowed you to be claimed. I would have claimed you myself before allowing that to happen.”

Elijah could barely look at me, let alone talk to me civilly most of the time, yet was willing to be my Keeper?

E.Z. chuckled, flashing me a huge grin.

“Me too!” He winked. “I’d claim you! We all would, even the silent, grumpy one over there.” He jerked his thumb towards the corner where Griffin was leaning, looking quite grumpy.

Griffin had been watching Elijah, but his eyes connected with mine at that comment and lingered.

“Not that it matters,” Elijah continued. “Since we would have left as soon as they released you. I began preparations the minute I heard about Eryk. I had already reached out to Aiden. He was gathering the supplies and horses we would need. We just moved up the timeline.”

“Why did Father try to kill the king?” I was doubting Father’s innocence more and more each day, and that was making me sick inside.

“We don’t know.” Elijah sighed, looking down and shaking his head.

“The rebels were there that night,” Aiden said. “They may know more. I’m part of their organization, so I will arrange a meeting. We can try to get some answers.”

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