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I risked a glance up at him through my lashes. I couldn’t guess what he was thinking. Did he blame me and Father for lying to everyone? Was he wondering what to do with me now? Did he catch the part where he was the first person I had ever confided in? Was he regretting last night? He gave nothing away.

Griffin had to know the significance of my admitting this. I was trusting him with my life. A man I’d had so few conversations with, I was trusting with my life.

“How’d you know?”

Griffin studied me, considering his words, probably seeing right through me to the shame and panic.

“People don’t always mean what they say, but their eyes don’t usually lie. You weren't just emotional when you realized a powerful Air User should know when Air is being used and its limitations. Your eyes said something different. I assumed maybe you were weak and didn't want us to know…” he trailed off. “You’ve been tested?”

“Yes. Father destroyed all records and forged the results, but there’s nothing.”

“You’ve never had power?” he pressed.

“No. But don’t pity me!” I quipped with a forced smile, trying to hide my unease with this topic of conversation. “I have my own special powers. I can kick anyone’s ass! Well, maybe not yours because you’re built like a damn tree and have long, thick limbs to match. You’ll outreach me every time. But anyone else’s. My skill is my power.” I plastered on a smirk, blinking my eyelashes at him demurely. “And no one sees me coming. They always underestimate lil’ ol’ me.”

“That’s impossible,” Griffin said, like a man with complete authority, who never says anything without knowing it to be true. “Clearly, the test is wrong and you took after your mother. I’ve heard she was strong, and I felt the strength of Earth you just released.”

The world spun for a minute, panic taking over.

“What Earth?” I asked. When he sent me a knowing look, I sprang to my feet, jumping back. “No, you’re mistaken. I have never had powers. I tried to use all the elements, hoping the tests were wrong. I tried them all several times, and nothing. Look!” I waved my hand towards the woods, urging Air to make the leaves dance. “No Air. Not a single flutter.” I bent, picked up a leaf on the ground, and willed it to light. “No fire.” Dropping the leaf, I walked over to the emergency pail of water, waving my hand across the surface, urging it to rise or move. But still nothing. I looked at him to confirm my point. “It’s nothing every time.”

“You haven’t tried Earth.”

“Really? You’re taking it this far? You know how hard this has to be for me, and you’re going to push this?” How dare Griffin use what I’d told him in confidence to mock me.

“Grow an apple.” Griffin gestured to a small, shriveled apple tree to our right with hardly any sign of life. There was no foliage to be seen, the bark was peeling and cracked, and there wasn’t a single apple on the whole tree.

“You want an apple? You’ll have to grow it yourself because I have no power!” I shoved my hands towards the tree, shouting, “Grow, you fuckin’ apples!”

Mighty roots broke through the soil at my feet, knocking me backward. Crawling away, I tried to escape as the root skirted through the ground toward me.

Once I was far enough away, I lay on the ground in shock, looking up at the tree that now towered over me, ripe with fruit. My mouth flapped open and closed. I didn’t have and inkling of what to say or how this happened.

I tried many times to disprove those tests. I was devastated each time I couldn’t use a single element, yet over and over again, I tried. I longed for an element.

“Why the shitbomb did you do that?!” I gaped at him incredulously. Griffin must have grown the tree. It was the only thing that made sense.

“Why the ‘shitbomb’ did I do what?” he asked, frustratingly patient.

“You grew a fucking tree!” I jumped to my feet and faced him. “What are you trying to prove?”

“Kaia. I did not grow that tree,” he said, with his face way too calm and looking at me with it.

“Well, I sure as shit didn’t, and there’s only two of us here.” I swung my arms wide, encompassing the whole clearing. “And of the group we’re traveling with, you’re the only Earth User.” I crossed my arms, glaring at him. “Whatever game you’re playing isn’t working, so let’s just stop.”

“Hmm.” Griffin’s standard non-response lasted longer this time, vibrating deep and musically in his chest, causing mine to flutter and my breath to hitch.

I would have relished that feeling, but the meaning of the sound was unmistakable. He did not grow that tree. He didn’t believe me. He wasn’t going to humor me.

Why did his hmms tell me the things I didn’t want to hear and keep quiet when I was begging to know what he was thinking?

“Well, Griff, if you wanted apples, you could have been more subtle about it. Maybe just grow a few….” E.Z. said, strutting towards us, taking only me by surprise. “Maybe we’ll have Ash light the top on fire next time before supersizing it. Then I can blow the whole thing around, waving it like a signal. Really make sure everyone sees that we’re here.” E.Z. winked at me with a massive smile plastered on his face. “If you’re going to draw attention and get us all caught, you might as well go all in, right?”

“Griffin, what the fuck?” Elijah barked, bursting out of trees directly behind Griffin and me.

I jumped about fifteen feet in the air, my heart galloping, an embarrassing squeak leaving my mouth.

Griffin, standing directly next to me, didn’t react at all. He just kept staring at me with that look he had, all patient and probing before he froze, going utterly still, sensing something.
