Page 11 of Riding Curves

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“You know, growing up, Halloween was never a huge deal. We kind of skipped right to Christmas. I don’t even remember trick-or-treating much.”

“Do you take Austin out?”

“Only because the people here get into it. Main Street is totally decked out, and all the shop owners stand outside with buckets of candy. It’s easier since the houses are all spread apart so much out here. Austin loves it.”

“What are you dressing up as, bud?” Chap directs his question toward Austin who’s sitting quietly picking at pieces of hay. I swear this is a different kid.

“Batman.” Austin’s voice deepens as he talks. “Mom is making my costume.”

“I love it. My mom used to make my costumes, too. They’re so much better than store bought. You can really make it unique.”

“Yeah. Mom is putting turbo blasters on my back so I can be a flying Batman. No one else is going to be a flying Batman.”

“That’s awesome. A much more futuristic Batman.”

“He glides with his cape… usually.”

“But not Austin Wayne, future Batman.” The wagon stops near the pumpkin patch, and everyone files out into the field on the search.

Austin runs straight toward the biggest, lumpiest, dirtiest pumpkin in the patch. “This is the one! He’s disgusting! I need him!”

“He’s too big to carry out, kiddo. Let’s pick a smal—”

“He’s not too big. I can get him.” Chap snaps the pumpkin off the stalk and lifts it in his arms without a grunt, as though the pumpkin were a marshmallow.

“See, Mom. Chap’s got it!”

“Mr. Chap,” I correct.

“Chap is fine,” he says, carrying the pumpkin to the edge of the wagon. “Now you have to pick one.”

“Me? What do I need a pumpkin for?”

“We’re carving them tomorrow night, remember?”

I twist the ends of my hair. An attempt to calm my nerves. “Did I say that? I thought we were considering that as an option.”

“Are you saying you’re not inviting me back for a pumpkin carving party?” Chap’s face downturns playfully. “I’m a big guy, but I have feelings.”

“Yeah, Mom. Pick a pumpkin!” Austin’s face lights and he weaves his hand into mine. “You too, Chap… Mr. Chap. We can carve them together.”

Together.We can all carve them together. I like the way it sounds so much that I allow myself to bend into the patch and choose the roundest pumpkin within eyeshot. Chap chooses one as well. A big one with lumps and a curly stalk.

“It’s a plan then. Tomorrow night, carving party.” His grin is so genuine that my chest tightens on command.

“Yay!” Austin jumps in place. This is the happiest I’ve seen him in years, maybe ever. How could one afternoon have such an effect on him?

I should stop this. If I have any sense about me, I’ll stop this. The fact that I’m getting attached to Chap after two meetings means that Austin is most definitely fond of him too. I should end this before I’m in a mess I can’t get out of.

But before I get the chance, the guy on the tractor is blowing a whistle to direct everyone back from the patch, and we’re bumping along the path back toward the little market at the top of the hill where the truck is parked.

“If tomorrow night doesn’t work, we can always reschedule.” Chap helps Austin and I out of the wagon, then piles all the pumpkins into his arms, and carries them toward the truck.

“No. Tomorrow night works. It’ll give me a chance to make you dinner. What do you like?”

“Anything easy.”

“Steak and potatoes? I think I have some corn from the garden I can bring in.”
