Page 6 of Riding Curves

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She sighs. “Yeah… the seven-year-old who’s going on twenty-two. Maybe he needs the seminary.”

My brows narrow. “Why don’t you let me talk to him? I’ve got a lot of experience with youth ministry, and I live on a ranch just a few miles away. Maybe some hard work would help.”

“No. I couldn’t ask you to do that. Trust me, he’s out of control. I’m not sure anything would help at this point. No boy should have to grow up without his dad. I know that’s what he’s missing, but I don’t know how to fix it. I don’t have time for men, and if I did, I wouldn’t trust them enough to hang out with my son. I hope you can appreciate that.”

I glance toward the woman whose black dress clings tight to her hips. It’s easy to see how gorgeous she is, but the more I get to know her, the more I see how badly she’s hurting. Something tells me tonight would’ve gone better for her if she hadn’t ended up with the virgin who’s trying to be a priest. Maybe what she needs is some release of her own. I know a few guys here that would’ve gladly offered her that as part of her auction win. My cock throbs at the thought of being that close to her, touching her, smoothing my hands down over her curves, and tasting her lips.

I shake my head, re-diverting my thoughts. “I grew up without a father. He left when I was ten. You know how most people think that trope of Dads saying they’re going for milk and never coming back is made up? I’m one of those kids.”


“Yeah. My mother did the best she could, but I was completely out of control after that.”

I cringe at what I just said. Get it together, man! A little bit of hope goes a long way. “I know now that I was looking for boundaries. But at the time, no one knew what to do with me. I could talk to Austin and maybe give him some direction. Like I said, I’ve got a ranch filled with things to stimulate and exhaust young minds. There’s a herd of goats I can’t keep up with. They’d love a seven-year-old’s attention.”

She glances up toward me. “You have no idea what you’d be getting into. I wouldn’t want to put that on you. We barely know each other.”

“Ah, it’s not a big deal. How does tomorrow morning at eight sound? I’ll bring breakfast by, and we can all go to the pumpkin patch.”


“Unless you’d rather me take him alone.”

Her cheeks turn pink as we near the lodge doors again. “I’m sure you’re busy with the lodge opening and everything. I wouldn’t want to take you away from that.”

“Actually, it would be a nice break. I’ve been eating and breathing the lodge for months now. I could use an outing of my own. That is unless I’m pushing too hard. I don’t mean to force myself on you simply because you paid me for it.”

She laughs. “No! You’re not. I, ugh, I have to work at two, so morning is great.”

I open the door of the lodge and she walks before me. I try not to glance down at her round ass as she walks through the door, but none the less, my eyes divert.

This is fucked up.I shouldn’t be looking at her like this.

She turns toward me and smiles. “Well, I guess we’ll see you tomorrow morning then. Thank you… for the walk and the… yeah. Thank you.” She doesn’t know what to do with herself. Her arms reach out then pull back again.

I open my arms and lean in for a hug, holding her against my chest for far too long. It’s so long that my cock draws hard again, and I can’t help but notice the ends of her nipples against my chest.

Does she like this too, or is it cold?

It has to be the temperature.

She releases the hug, takes my jacket off her shoulders, and hands it back toward me.

Damn it. I need to get my head straight.

“Tonight was fun. I’ll get your address from the auction paperwork.”

She nods and bites back the prettiest smile as she turns away. “Sounds good. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“See you in the morning,” I say, wondering if I’ve just made a perfectly, terrible decision.

Chapter Three


“He’s not a priest yet.” Grace laughs. “Haven’t you read those books? The ones where the priest falls for the slutty, little cow maid, and they have this passionate affair that no one can know about? Well… she gets pregnant, and they have to run away together. Ugh… they’re so hot!”

“No, I haven’t read those books, and if I had, I’d realizetheyare books. This is real life, and I’m… me. No one is leaving the priesthood for me, Grace. I can’t even get a man to parent his child.”

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