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“A fortune.”

“I’d rather the wedding ring,” Angel said. Ross was not in a mood to appreciate the joke. TheJean-Christophewas the most treasured work of art in his entire collection.But he looked at the empty base where his statue had once sat and felt nothing. He was more irritated with Tina showing up to disturb the precious thing growing between him an Angel than her actual theft.

AJean-Christophewas nothing but iron and bronze at the end of the day.

The living woman next to him meant far more.

“I knew she’d try to pull some shit after Elroy’s,” Ross said grimly.

“What do you mean?”

“The night you came I was out at a friend’s, and she was there. I made a mistake…” He trailed off. “Damnation.”


“We fooled around that night, me and Tina.”

“Oh?” Angel said with a flash of jealousy. “Well it’s done now, right? You’re through messing with her?”

“Of course,” said Ross. “But I should have got tested before you and me did anything. Hellfire…that was careless. I’m sorry, Angel.”

“Maybe we both should get tested.” Angel said, her eyes belying her steady voice. “I mean, it’s only fair, right? I don’t know what happened before I came to you.”

Ross tugged her close against his chest. He knew what she meant. “Don’t think that. Not for one minute.”

“I didn’t until just now.”

“I’ll make it right,” he vowed.

“Okay.” Angel nodded. “But I’m sure it’s nothing. She’s married, right?”

“To the most faithless man in Tidewater,” Ross said with an ironic smile. “Tomorrow I’ll take you downtown to the clinic, you have my word. We’ll both test.”

“You think she gave you Herpes or what?”

Ross squeezed his eyes shut. “Don’t say it.”

“Ross, I’m not scared. I know everything’s gonna be okay,” Angel laughed.

They smiled at each other, Ross’s emerging more slowly than hers, but with the same sincerity. He tugged at her messy hair.

“I’m more concerned with that thieving ass hoe taking your thing. I mean that statue was ugly as hell, but I liked it better than the paintings. How did she even leave that room? I thought you locked the door.”

They soon found out— Tina had broken the bathroom window with the shower rod.

“Oh my God,” said Angel.

Five thousand dollars,Ross thought.

Ross called Tina.

“Threatening me won’t get me to fuck you again,” he said.

“Go to hell!”

“And you’re paying for that window. Or Charlie is, I suppose—”

“Charlie left me,” Tina choked. “And if you want your statue then come and get it. I’ll be at the auction this weekend.”
