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“That’s my boo,” she sang. Ross grinned and scooped her up into his arms; she nuzzled his neck. For a moment they just stood like that. The ocean waves made a slow and steady music.

“I thought you’d like to know that your dog is a vicious creature who won’t give up the blankets,” Ross said into her hair before he set her down. “How’s my son?”

“Or daughter,” she waved a finger at him.

“Mm. Did he or they keep you up all night? Is that why you’re out here so early?”

“No…I was just thinking.”

He took her empty teacup and went inside for a minute. He returned with piping-hot mint tea. “Thanks,” said Angel gratefully.

Ross half-smiled and took a stance next to her. Quietly he drank his coffee– straight black, no cream, no sugar.

She could tell something was weighing on his mind. By now she knew Ross’s moods well. Coming into the eighth month of her pregnancy, she felt even more attuned to his energy. He had expressed the same to her.

“What do you think of the view?” he asked.

“I love it,” she said. “I thought Florin was the most beautiful place I ever seen, but this is everything. I was out here for the sunrise. You were sleep and I didn’t want to wake you up,” she explained in apology.

“I’m just glad you enjoyed it while it lasted.” He put his arms around her, cradling the growing child. “Sorry I was up so late.”

“You like to work, Ross, I know… but if there’s too much of a good thing…”

He nuzzled her neck back. “But then how would I afford my habit?”

“What habit?”

He fanned open her right hand. On every finger Angel wore a gemstone ring she had chosen. Not all of them while he fucked her, but most. Four out of five. On her wrist was a diamond bracelet, and two diamonds gleamed in her ears. Ross had a fetish. He liked her to buy jewelry while he had her ass-up in the bed.

Angel now had a small fortune in diamonds, rubies and pearls.

When the baby started showing Angel feared he’d lose interest in the bedroom.

He didn’t.

“You don’t have to get me more jewelry,” she said, putting her foot down. Ross tickled her sides. “No?”

“No. I have enough, Ross…I’m not greedy.”

“I love seeing you waste my money,” Ross rumbled in her ears.

“You’re too much.”

“Do you know how sweet your pussy tastes now that you’re pregnant?”

“I think you told me maybe a hundred times…”

He mashed her titties together. Since day one of her pregnancy they had swollen, and when he crushed them gently between his big hands it made a painful delicious pleasure that could nearly make her cum if he did it right.

He always did it right.

Angel’s thighs rubbed together under her maternity dress. He sucked under her ear and started working the dress up over her hips. She mumbled something.

“What?” he growled.

“You promised. I want to paint you here. With this behind you. Uhnn…Ross.”

“Fuck. Angel I got some meetings in an hour.”
