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Even if Drago and I weren’t on the same task force, I wouldn’t enjoy working with someone I was carrying on a relationship with. For me, I need my space, and the break. I need my own career that I can grow in and one that’s separate from my home life.

“Eric”—I begin shaking my head—“I just don’t want it. Being a detective on the police force is where my heart is. It’s what I’ll get out of bed in the morning and put my life on the line for.”

“Then I reckon you’ll have to crawl back on your hands and knees if you think Ramirez will take you back.”

“It’s not like I was fired!” I shout, getting irritated with him.

“Maybe not. But he’ll make your life hell. If he doesn’t do it personally, he’ll find a lackey that’ll do it for him.” Sidestepping me, he brushes past, leaving me standing in the living room alone.

Looking out the window, I see Drago standing against the railing on his patio, talking with his brother and sister. I don’t see Justin, so he must have left while I was tending to Gabriel.

Sucking in a large gulp of air, I blow it back out, deciding I need to enlist someone else to help. Someone with more clout with Tom. After locating my cell phone, I shoot Mike a text.


I miss my job. What will it take to get it and Connie back?

His reply is immediate, which I’m grateful for.


Well, well. If it isn’t the one who fell from grace...


Cut the crap.

I didn’t fall from grace. I fell in love.


Call him.

Byhim, he can only mean Tom Ramirez, our deputy chief of police over the detective bureau. The same man who not too long ago said he would make it his mission to strip me of my badge and gun.


Grovel. Ramirez likes that shit, and with the Houston debacle, he might cave.

I shouldn’t have to grovel to no man for a job that I’ve proven time and again I’m good at. This crap isn’t fair. Coming out of my message to Mike, I find the last one where Connie and I spoke, firing out a text to her next.


Mike says I need to suck it up and call Tom. What do you think?


I think I’m in partner fucking hell and you need to do whatever it takes to get your ass back here. I mean, I know you’re all in love with that dude still, but rumor has it Tom steps out on his wife, so maybe go the slut route. I NEED you back!


I’m not sleeping with anyone to get my job back.


Even I’d put out if it got that dickwad I was partnered up with far, far away from me. I can’t take him much longer.

And with the knowledge I just gave you, maybe blackmail?
