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Just kidding—maybe.

An idea sparks, making me grin.


What if Special Agent Alders was on the menu?

Not that I would ever ask her to do that, but I can mess with her. I’ve missed this. This is exactly why I need my job and partner back. My gut is telling me it’s the right thing for me.


I would do that hottie and not even call it a favor, bitch. Sign me up!

Guess I’m begging. Kill me now!



When I woke up this morning, I decided today was the day to put my big girl panties on and do whatever it takes to get Deputy Chief Tom Ramirez to give me my job back. Well, with some limitations. I’ll grovel, I’ll beg, but I’m not sleeping with him to get it. I love Connie, and I wouldn’t change her, but we’re different in that respect. She wouldn’t feel dirty about something like that, whereas I would—even if Drago wasn’t in the picture.

And stepping out on my man is a no-go for me, as it better be the same for him.

Becky, Tom’s secretary, wasn’t at her desk when I arrived a minute ago, but seeing Tom’s door ajar, I step in front of it, rapping my knuckles against the solid surface before I talk myself out of being here in the first place.

“Come in.” His voice is gruff, but that isn’t unusual coming from him.

Summoning all my willpower and not wanting to anger him by not being prompt, I push his office door open and walk inside.

“Tom,” I say when he doesn’t look up from the file in his hand.

“Shut the door, Detective, and take a seat.” He doesn’t sound surprised that I’m here. He couldn’t have known. I didn’t tell anyone I was coming. Drago has Gabriel and all I told him was I needed to run an errand. I was a little surprised he didn’t put up any argument or even inquire as to where I was going. But maybe it’s a good sign. I don’t want or need him, or anyone, hovering over me. I want him to trust that I can take care of not only myself but Gabriel, too.

I watch Tom grab a notepad, setting it in front of him, then he picks up a pen, scribbling something down. Doing as he’s instructed, I forego making myself comfortable on the couch against the wall, taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of his wooden desk.

I can see the file open in front of him is a case, so if it’s on the chief’s desk, it must be a big one. There are photos attached to the manila file with a paper clip on the top and side of a female body—homicide most likely. Tipping my head to the side, I look at the image, my full attention honing in on it. Something about her looks familiar, but what?

Do I know her, or know of her? Perhaps she’s famous. We are in Los Angeles after all, a city full of the A list, B list, and so on of Hollywood. I try to recall any homicides or deaths I’ve seen in the media, but my mind has been preoccupied lately with everything I’ve found out about Drago’s secret career that I’m still processing.

He closes the file, placing his palm on top of it. I lift my eyelids, seeing an expectant expression on his face. It’s now or nothing. With a deep breath, I dive in. “I want back in.”

“What makes you think I even want you back?” Before I can reply, he continues. “I thought you had your sights set on becoming DEA.”

No, I never had my sights set on any federal agency, but do I admit that? It’s not like I went seeking Eric out. Quite the opposite actually, and E admitted to that.

“Sir, I have always wanted to be LAPD since the academy. Special Agent Alders came to me, not the other way around. Although it was interesting working with him, it’s not where my heart is.”

“And if I don’t have room to bring you back with the Pacific unit, are you willing to be assigned at another, or even demoted to a beat cop, having to work your way back up? Tell me, Detective, just how bad do you want to come back to work?”

Arching an eyebrow, I stare at him, letting him know that’s bullshit. The one thing I’ve learned working in a male-dominated job is that you do not back down and you damn sure don’t cower, showing weakness. Lance Houston may still technically be employed by the Los Angeles City Police department, but after his arraignment, that’ll change. He’ll not only lose his job when he’s released of duty but his pension, too. He’s a disgrace to our city.

“What if I had valuable information that might be of interest to you?” I ask, trying another tactic. “Would that get me back in your good graces, Chief? Would that entice you to not only bring me back on board but back under Mike with Connie as my partner. Because that’s what I want.”

“I’ll bite, Andrews. Let’s hear it.”

“Vincent Acerbi is back,” I tell him, giving up my only ace, so to speak. If he isn’t happy with that news, then I have no idea what to offer. I’m not an option, and even if I did believe Connie that Tom steps out on his wife, I doubt he does it with anyone in blue. Tom probably likes the submissive type, and that isn’t me.

“I already know he’s returned.” His shoulders shrug as mine deflate. “The minute he stepped foot on American soil, I got word thatbastardwas back.”
