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Looking at Tom, I can’t help but wonder... Is this personal? His hatred—that’s clearly written on his face—for Drago’s father goes beyond the normal drive to bring a criminal to justice. Instinct tells me I shouldn’t push that, at least not at this very moment, so I do the only thing left. I beg.

“Tom.” His name comes out as a sigh. There is no point going round and round with him. “I just want my job back. I want to come home. I’m a damn good detective. You know I am. You have a vacant spot with Houston on administrative leave. Let me take that spot. Let me come back to the Pacific unit.”

He pushes his chair back away from his desk, and then he stands, eyeing me with a look that I can’t decipher. Turning his back to me, he steps to his office window, bracing his forearm against the wall, looking out the open blinds.

Do I need to get on my hands and knees? Is that what it’s going to take to get him to let me back in?

Shouldn’t my record speak for itself? If I had a cock between my legs would I have to work this hard to get back something I not only love, but was also meant to do with my life?

“Do you want to know why I hate the Acerbis so much, Bri?” He doesn’t turn to face me, keeping his back to me while he continues looking out the window. We’re on the eighth floor, which is not very high considering the building heights that surround this one. There’s a busy three-lane street with a parking garage across from us to look at, leading me to believe he’s thinking.

Whatever reason he has on his tongue doesn’t involve Drago. I know that much. So even if he tells me, it won’t affect my relationship with D. He can either accept me for the cop we both know I am or turn me away. It won’t stop me. I may not get to come back to LAPD, but there are other cities and counties I can apply for. Other agencies even.

I was meant to be a cop. I am a cop. But I’m also with Drago and will stand next to him with my head held high. I want him in my life more than I want this job. It’s important to me, but it isn’t everything.

It’s when my eyes leave Tom, landing on his desk, that I recall the photo inside.

It finally dawns on me why the deceased woman’s face looked familiar. It was Anna Acerbi—Drago’s mother. He has a photo of her with him and his siblings on his mantel above the fireplace. His was a more recent one than the one I dug up back when I was researching everything I could on Drago before I’d met him.

“Vincent Acerbi killed his wife. I know he did, but I have jackshit to prove it,” he spits out. “With no statute of limitation on murder, I’m bound by duty and this office to bring him to justice.”

Bound? Duty? Office?

This is definitely looking more and more like a personal vendetta than justice.

He turns to face me, crossing his arms over his light blue dress shirt.

“We’re cops, Tom. We follow the evidence. Show me the evidence that even remotely links Drago to a crime. After all, that’s the wild goose chase you sent me on months ago. Not his father. Him.”

His mouth is silent, but those blazing eyes are telling me everything.

“You can’t. You can’t because you don’t have any. Just admit that you might be wrong about Drago. There is nothing that shows he’s anything like his father. Drago loved his mother. He would have never done anything to hurt her.”

“Funny how there is no evidence linking Vincent Acerbi to anything either, yet, you and I are both sure he’s guilty of more crimes than we even know about. Think about that, Detective, when you are defending the heir to a crime family.”

“One person doesn’t make a family. Everything Drago stands for is about family. Protecting those he loves.”

“It’s not your boyfriend I want, Brianna. It’s his father. It’s always been his father.” His nostrils flare.

“The cold case.” I nod my head, indicating the file on his desk. “Why are you so sure Vincent killed Anna? If there is no evidence or an autopsy stating foul play, then what has you so convinced?”

Drago is certain CC’s recollection of the day their mother died is accurate, but I can’t exactly reveal that to Tom. Drago and E have their case. I don’t want to screw it up by giving PD, or Tom rather, something to run with.

“Because she’d planned on leaving him for me. At that time, we were having an affair. Furthermore, she was my informant.”

Holy. Shit.

Does Drago and the guys know that? And fuck... am I going to tell them?

“Detective Houston is no longer on administrative leave as of this morning. Jonathan Summers turned in his recommendation last Friday to Chief Martinez. He was fired, and if I have anything to do with it at his hearing next week, he’ll be placed behind bars with the criminals he serves, because he certainly hasn’t been serving the badge he’s worn all this time or people he took an oath to protect. You want back in?” He cocks his head, waiting for a reply. I nod, affirming I do despite the information he’s laid on me. “Then I need a formal written document signed by Director Alders releasing you from the DEA’s use of your time, Andrews. Get that in my hands and you can come back as early as tomorrow.”

“Consider it done, sir.” Eric had better give me that damn sheet of paper or I really will go toe to toe with him, pregnant or not.

* * *

When I left headquarters,I ducked inside the Kingston building across the street. They have a gourmet coffee shop that is hands down the best coffee I’ve ever tasted. I’m not over here often, so when I am, I make it a priority to order the biggest latte known to man—twenty-four ounces of steamy, heavenly goodness.

“Here you go, ma’am. One decaf, extra-large, Carmel Ecstasy with whole milk and whipped cream.”
