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“Whatever the reason, it can’t be good,” Eric answers. Eric twists, turning to face Connie and me. “Are you two good here? I want to step out and call D.” I nod my head answering him, then he quickly and quietly exits.

“I’m a victim in all of this too, your honor. I shouldn’t be sitting here when the cops, your cops, did nothing to protect me from the bad Mexican man.”

The judge’s eyebrows visibly climb his forehead before the ADA’s voice cuts in. “Your honor, we have manuscripts of text messages between Miss Carlisle and the deceased Sebastian Diaz, as well as conversations between the defendant and what we believe to be a cellular device belonging to former Detective Lance Houston discussing information pertaining to the child that was taken from Detective Brianna Andrews’ home. In those manuscripts, it talks about the attempted murder of Detective Andrews, who thankfully did not suffer fatal wounds when she was shot in her home.”

Pain shoots through my chest as she lays out her case, making me recall every second of being shot and Gabriel stolen. I wouldn’t classify myself as not being fatally wounded, at least not in the emotional sense. I may be alive, but the baby I was carrying at the time didn’t make it. I’m not sorry that Diaz is dead, and I’m not sorry that Drago was the one to do it. If anything, I’m grateful that he stopped me from being the one to end his worthless life. At the time I wanted him dead, and I wanted to be the one to do it. But now? I’m not sure I’d feel the same. I’m not sure I would have been able to handle that on my conscience.

Closing my eyes, I pull a breath of air in through my nose trying to stop the memory from playing.

My phone buzzes from inside my jacket pocket. Normally, I’d leave it be until I’m out of here, but there’s some nagging itch in my chest that has me pulling it out, and suddenly, I don’t want to hear any more from Chasity’s mouth, or even the ADA or judge. Not being here wasn’t an option, but being here is making me sad and even more pissed off than I’ve ever been. I have no outlet for all of these pent-up emotions. Something will have to give, or I’m going to blow up on someone today.

The contact name that shows up is the one I assigned to the burner phone Houston texted me from a few days ago. His case was also assigned to Brit, and is on the books for late next week. I’ll be sitting right here when that time comes too.

LH Burner

The same Crown Vic has been tailing you since early this week. How come you haven’t noticed it?

What the fuck? Is he stalking me? The stupid fuck probably blames me for getting fired when it was his own actions that landed him where he is.


Don’t you have bigger problems to worry about than watching me?

LH Burner

It’s not me you need to be worried about, Andrews.


Yet you’re telling me you’re stalking my every move.

LH Burner

I didn’t say I was watching you. I’m just giving you a heads up that maybe you want to watch your surroundings a little better.

Better yet, maybe you want to ditch the guy you’ve been holed up with because if you continue being with him, it’s not going to end well for either of you.


You do anything, you’ll be in a hell of a lot more hot water than you already are.

LH Burner

Or maybe you could thank me for giving you a heads up. I’m not the one you should be scared of.


I’m not scared of you. Never have been.

LH Burner

Where is your little DEA buddy on finding something to put Acerbi away?


You actually think I’d tell you anything?

LH Burner
