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My life is hanging in the balance, same as yours, sweet tits. Tell your boy to hurry the hell up.

I pocket my phone, tired of this conversation and pause, thinking. If Houston isn’t the only one tailing me, who else is? And why? Hell, why is he so worried about E finding evidence on Drago’s father now? Is he concerned with the safety of his own life?

“Guilty.” The judge’s deep voice penetrates my ears, and goose bumps erupt across my arms, snapping my eyes to the front of the room.

“No!” she cries out, standing up. “You can’t do that.” Twisting, she searches behind her until her shocked face lands on Dylan Harper. It’s two seconds before her whole face falls and tears start to fall. The only reason I know she’s crying is because she swipes her cheeks with her hand. “Dylan,” she calls out, and that’s when I see Vincent’s head pop up from where he was paying attention to his phone. Phones aren’t even allowed in here unless you’re part of law enforcement, yet he has one and no one has taken notice except me? I find that hard to believe.

He pockets the phone inside his suit jacket while Chasity’s face turns white as a ghost as he eyes her.

“I can do that, Miss Carlisle,” the judge says, her back to him. Slowly, she turns back around to face him and she’s silent. “You played a part, and that part comes with consequences. I’m sentencing you to ten years with five suspended.” Another gasp rips from her. “Maybe this’ll teach you. And you should consider yourself lucky because I do not believe everything you are guilty of was played out here today.”

He sentenced her.I was expecting a second date to be set for that part had she been found guilty of a crime, but it looks like that won’t have to happen.She was sentenced.I honestly hadn’t expected that.

This is a win, I think, sighing heavily after replaying the judge’s verdict.Ten years, five suspended.Is that enough for her part? No. And I do believe she played a bigger role in this mess than what was brought forth today—setting up Drago, setting me up, sexually assaulting D. She doesn’t deserve Gabriel, yet without her doing what she did to Drago he wouldn’t be here. There is something to be said for that, but I don’t want to dwell on it or even feel sorry for her that she’ll spend years locked in a cell. She deserves worse, but in the end, as long as I get Gabriel, none of that really matters.

* * *

When Connieand I file out of the courtroom, Eric is seated on a bench across from the door, his feet spread apart and leaning forward, typing away on his cell phone. His head pops up when he notices us stepping toward him and he stands up.

“What did D say?” I quickly ask.

“We’ll talk about that later.” He nods over my head. “What happened in there? That wrapped up rather fast. I was just about to head back in.”

“That bitch got jail time.” Connie laughs. “That’s what happened in there.”

Eric’s brows pull together, surprised the same as I was.

“Yeah.” I nod my head. “I was somewhat shocked too, but a win is a win, right?”

“Unless the verdict was bought for a reason we aren’t seeing.” His suspicious eyes bore into mine.

My eyes leave his, looking off to the side, and I wonder if he has a point. Could that have been why Drago’s father was here today? Did he buy off the judge for a sentence to offset something else? But what?

“Brianna.” His deep, accented voice makes my body turn to stone. Meeting Eric’s eyes, only for a second, I turn, facing Drago’s father where he stands a few feet from me. His heavy cologne coats the air around us.

“Yes,” I acknowledge.

“I’m happy to see you here today, taking an interest in my grandson’s future.”

I want to raise an eyebrow at his words, but instead, I mask my emotions, saying, “Gabe doesn’t have a future with that woman inside that room.” I nod over his shoulder at the double doors to the room behind him. “I just wanted to witness her getting what she deserved.”

His eyes leave mine, moving behind me. “Eric Alders. I haven’t seen you in years. How is the world of bringing down drug traffickers?”

“The criminals in this country keep me busy,” he answers.

“Your father must be proud.” A smirk forms on his lips. “Wish I could say that about my eldest.”

“Maybe,” E says. “But one can never be certain where parents are concerned.”

“Perhaps,” Vincent agrees then flicks his eyes back to mine, nodding. “Detective, it was a pleasure running into you.”

“You never said why it is you’re here.” As soon as the statement is out of my mouth, I feel the material of my jacket being tugged on. Eric, I’m guessing, silently telling me to close my mouth.

“No.” He shakes his head. “I didn’t. Have a good day.” He turns, strolling out of the courthouse like he doesn’t have a care in the world.

“The less you say around that man, the better, Bri,” E tells me, whispering in my ear even though Vincent has exited the building already.

I hear him, but I don’t acknowledge his words. I realize he’s right, but sometimes I don’t always like keeping my lips together.
