Page 21 of Malibu Heat

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This is the fairytale ending people talk about in movies, the kind deemed overrated. If I wasn’t here, living it, I might think so too, but I know without a shadow of a doubt that I’ve found my mate, my soulmate, and it happened at a freaking beach party in Malibu.

What are the odds?

Between the medley of buttercream and coconut lime, a third scent blossoms, slicing through the smells around us and making my skin tingle. It’s sweet and potent, seeping into the blanket around me and working its way outward, consuming the nest.

It’s the unmistakable, delicious smell of honey.

My eyes pop open immediately, a jolt of adrenaline shooting through my veins as I wonder if Ken can smell it too. I look up to find his gaze full of curiosity and surprise, and that gives me my answer. He can smell it too.

“I didn’t know you could perfume honey after a scent match,” Ken says softly, staring at me like I’ve just performed some insane magic trick.

“Me either.” This weekend has already been full of surprises. What’s one more? Especially when that surprise is me choosing my scent match, even though there’s already a bond formed. I might not bear Ken’s mate mark yet, but the bond is there, the energy pulsing in the space around us. “It looks like you’re not getting rid of me that easily.”

He smirks and leans down to kiss me deeply until I’m gasping for air.

“Good,” he says, running his fingers along my jaw. “Because I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

six months later


"They should be here already," I say, nearly dragging Ken into Barbara's with our fingers interlaced.

As the door closes behind us, my eyes sweep across the crowded dining room until I spot Kristie sitting in the round corner booth. She’s wearing a neon orange top with striped, billowing pants and glittering hoop earrings, three men sitting with her.

Her men.

Her alphas.

I make a beeline for the back corner, still dragging Ken behind me, and when her gaze catches mine, she screams my name. We get curious stares from several customers, but I don’t care, not when I’m this excited to see my best friend for the first time in months.

Kristie jumps up and throws her arms around my neck with a squeal. “Oh my God, it’s been too long.”

Three months might not be long to some, but for me, it feels like forever.

“I know,” I agree, squeezing her back and breathing in her floral body spray. She smells like a tropical island, and I can’t help but wonder if she brought a little bit of Hawaii back with her. “Basically forever.”

When she pulls away, I finally address the alphas, whose gazes follow Kristie’s every move.

"Hey guys." I look at Ryan, Denzel, and Cruz. Their faces have become familiar, considering how many times I’ve seen them on FaceTime lately. Their pack energy radiates around us, vibrating, almost a physical presence in the air.

"Hey Bailey. Ken," Denzel says with a nod. "Congratulations."

Before either of us can reply, Kristie squeals, grabbing everyone’s attention. "Let me see! Let me see!"

A grin spreads across my face from ear to ear, and I stick out my left hand, wiggling my fingers. Sitting on my ring finger is a silver band with a fat, oval sapphire in the middle.

"Damn," she gasps, grabbing my hand and moving it so the gem catches the light. She looks as excited as I feel. "It's even pink. Good job, Ken!"

He smiles bashfully. "Thanks, Kristie. I’m pretty sure she would have been disappointed with anything else."

I roll my eyes playfully. "Probably."

"Well, join us,” Kristie ushers, gesturing to the table. “We just ordered drinks."

It's a little tight in the booth with all six of us, but we manage with Kristie and I on the ends. I don't dare tell the four alphas how cute they look bunched together, but I know they won't complain.

“I’m so excited to be your Maid of Honor, Bailey,” Kristie says, her voice chipper. “We need to do all the things while I’m here. We can talk about colors and menus and…” She gasps. “Do you want to go look at dresses? I’m sure we can fit it in.”
