Page 6 of Malibu Heat

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“And sparkly!” Kristie adds.

I nod enthusiastically, unable to stop the words that spill out of my mouth. “You want to see it? We didn’t park far away.”

He hesitates for a moment, as though trying to decide if it’s even worth the trouble. To my immense relief, he finally shrugs.

“Yeah, why not?” He looks at the rest of the group and jerks his head toward the street. “I’m going to go check out Bailey’s car. We’ll be right back.”

I almost expect Ryan to offer his company, considering how assertive he was from the start, but he and Denzel merely nod at us before their attention turns back to Kristie. She’s beaming, excitement all over her face.

“See you in a minute.” She winks.

I look back at Kenneth, who’s watching me expectantly, waiting for me to take the lead, and I nervously turn toward the road. He falls in step beside me, and together, we march back up the beach.


For one who dresses so boldly, this beta girl is noticeably shy.

Much shyer than her friend, who didn’t hesitate before jumping into a group of alphas and making her presence known. I don't know why it's so surprising, but had Bailey been as loud and obnoxious as her outfit suggests, I wouldn't be going to check out her car.

Okay, I probably would, but I would find a way to ditch her after.

As it stands, I’m enjoying her company.

“How long have you been surfing?” she asks, and when she looks over at me, I realize I’ve been staring at her for far too long.

Fuck, I need to stop that.

I clear my throat and look ahead. “As soon as I could stand on a surfboard, my dad had me out on the waves with him. It’s pretty much the only thing I do outside of work.”

“What kind of work do you do?” Her questions flow easily, as though she’s rehearsed them a dozen times. Maybe she has, but she seems genuinely interested.

“I’m a model,” I say, expecting her to be a little impressed. It normally has the ladies seeing stars.

However, she just nods. “That’s cool.”

She doesn’t say anything else, and we fall into an awkward silence. I wonder if she’s disappointed by my response, but who could possibly be disappointed by a nationally-recognized surfing championandan international model?

Obviously, Bailey. She just gets more interesting by the minute, and I can’t decide if I like it or not.

I’m intrigued at least, curious to find out more.

When I look ahead, I see it–a glittering pink Lambo parked by the sidewalk. There are already a few people standing around it, snapping pictures on their phones, which she doesn’t seem bothered by. My jaw drops to the ground before I pick it back up, and I’m still speechless when we stop in front of the car.

I expected a hot pink beetle or something equally cute.

Not a goddamn Lamborghini.

“Well, here she is,” Bailey says with an awkward little flourish.

She gestures toward the gorgeous car with a sweep of her hand, looking like a seasoned talk show host or a flight attendant, and for a moment, all I can do is stare, taking in the sight. I might have only just met her, but I can tell she’s just as special as the car beside her. A marvel to behold.

She’s a rarity, unlike anyone I’ve ever met before, and the most surprising part is, she’s a beta. The whole thing is just soodd.

I can’t help but want to know more about her, pick her brain, find out what I can.Like what she does for work so I can get into the same business…

“Wow. I–” I say, struggling to form coherent thoughts, but an exclamation from one of the crowd nearby cuts me off.

“Hey, miss, is this your car?” he asks, stepping forward, completely ignoring me.

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