Page 74 of One Look

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I blew out a breath and squeezed his arm. “They sure do, Red.”

* * *

Thankfully,my muddled-up feelings stayed in check for the rest of the afternoon. Wyatt still had things to wrap up after the football camp, so I’d texted him that I was taking Red home and would chat with him later.

Within seconds he responded.


Seeing you on the field was the best part of my day.

My insides went gooey. I’d managed to quell my irrational jealousy on the drive back to Outtatowner. It had been a very long time since a man had made me as mixed up and dizzy as Wyatt had managed to do in a few short weeks.

I dropped Red back at Haven Pines and helped make sure he was settled in his room before wishing him a good night. I was beat from the long day, but keyed up.

As I pulled into my driveway, I paused. Lee was sitting at the base of the steps that led to my apartment. He stood when I pulled the car to a stop.

“Hey!” I smiled back when a goofy grin spread across his face. “Wyatt’s still not back from work. What’s up?”

Lee unclasped his hands and lifted his palms. “Here to see you.”

I closed the car door behind me. “Okay...”

“I need someone who isn’t a townie to help me for a little while. You game?”

I crinkled my brows at him. “What’s up?”

Lee rubbed a hand across his chin. “On a scale of one to ten, how opposed to a little small-town troublemaking are you?”

I smiled. “I don’t know... I guess that depends. A two, maybe?”

“I can work with that. Let’s go.” Lee reached into the small duffel bag that hung crosswise against his body and tossed something at me.

I caught it, revealing a black knit stocking cap. “Seriously?”

Lee winked, and I looked back at Wyatt’s darkened farmhouse before walking toward his truck. “Just get in,” he said.

* * *

Lee turned down a small,dark road and flipped off his headlights. My eyes went wide, and my skin prickled.

“It’s fine. I promise. I’ll have you back to your place in thirty minutes. An hour, tops.” He nodded toward the stocking cap in my hands. “Put that on.”

I pulled the knit hat over my head and peered into the darkness. “Where are we?”

“Just an old two-way stop.” Lee shrugged. He climbed out of his truck, and I followed him toward the truck bed.

We were cloaked in darkness, but down the dark country road, headlights appeared in the distance. I held my breath but exhaled when the vehicle turned.

Lee pointed left and right down the road. “You’re the lookout. Yell if you see anyone coming. Yell louder if you know for sure it’s a King.”

Confused, I watched Lee pull a tool bag and a long rectangular piece of metal from the back of the truck.

“What is that?”

Lee’s childlike excitement was palpable, and my stomach flipped. He turned the sign around, and it read,Poor House Road. I glanced up at the existing sign, which read,Pour House Road.

“I know a guy who works for the road commissioner.” He shrugged and grinned. “In the sign shop. He married a cousin, so technically he’s a Sullivan and did me a favor.”
