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I faked a thin smile at Penny as she walked back and brought her new hamster into the house.

“Really, Beth?”

Her eyes went wide. “What?”

“A hamster? And you’re late. Threehourslate.”

Bethany pursed her lips. “It took longer to buy all his supplies than I expected. It’s fine.”

“No. It’s not fine. You didn’t call. You didn’t text. Do I have to remind you that you...” My voice was rising, and I had to keep myself in check. I didn’t want Penny to see or hear me lose my shit at her mother.

I lowered my voice and stepped forward. “You gave up your parental rights. This weekend was because Penny means everything and she loves and misses you. I think it’s great you made an effort this weekend and got your nails done and went shopping, but you can’t buy her love, and youdefinitelycannot disappear for three hours without calling me. I can’t believe you thought it was okay to buy her a pet.”

Bethany let loose an annoyed sigh as she opened her car door. “Fine. Then tell her she can’t have the hamster.”

“And make me the bad guy here?” Anger and frustration wound together in my gut.

She shrugged and raised her palms as if to say,Well, if the shoe fits.

“It’s not about the fucking hamster. It’s about respect... and communication.”

I got an audible sigh and a heavy roll of her eyes.

It hit me how different it was from the times Lark smiled and rolled hers at me. Those times were playful and lighthearted. Bethany’s dripped with impatience and disdain. Contempt.

I hated comparing the two, but my emotions peaked. I glanced up at the apartment and then over my shoulder, hoping Penny wasn’t watching me have an emotional meltdown in our driveway.

My shoulders slumped. “Look, I’m not doing this. Next time just have her home when you’re supposed to.”

I turned my back to her and stormed into the house.

* * *

As the week wore on,my frustration with Bethany and how the weekend ended started to fade. Throughout the week, Lark and I found stolen moments. I craved every secretive, hot look, as well as little things like brushing the back of my hand against hers when we passed.

It was nice for the house to not feel so empty, but it was something more than that. It had become impossible to ignore that Lark filled my house with sunlight and joy and laughter.

While it pissed me off that we separated each evening, the long moments kissing each other goodbye on the front porch made me feel like a teenager again. If Lark had been staying longer than a single summer, I would have sat Penny down and let her in on my growing feelings for Lark. But with her plans to leave, I couldn’t bring myself to get attached, only to break Penny’s little heart.

It would be hard enough on her to watch Lark drive away.

I already knew it would be hell for me too.

After I wrapped my work for the day, I returned the missed call from Duke.

It rang only once before he picked up. “You busy?” His voice was rushed and harsh.

I glanced at the clock. I had hoped to swing by the market and grab some flowers for Lark and maybe a treat for Penny, but it would have to wait. “Nah. What’s up?”

“Rough day. Meet me up at Dad’s place.”

I hung up the phone and drove straight to Haven Pines. I sat in the parking lot, gathering the balls to walk inside. I hated that as a family we couldn’t get it together enough to care for Dad and that he had to live in a nursing home.

Duke buried himself in farm and operations work.

Lee was reckless and wild.

Katie had found a college scholarship in a town I’d never heard of.
