Page 87 of One Look

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When Wyatt still hadn’t come in, I snagged two beers from the fridge and walked out onto the front porch. The movement from the screen door caught his eye, and he climbed out of the car.

I dangled a bottle from my fingertips and held it up. “Looks like you could use one.”

He sauntered up, a playful smile on his lips, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I could use you.”

Wyatt’s arms wrapped around my waist, and he buried his nose in my neck. Big, giddy feelings bubbled up in my chest, and I did my best to calm them.

“Careful.” I laughed. “A girl could get used to a greeting like that.”

Wyatt pulled back, a frown on his face.


With every day that passed, we were flirting with the end of summer, and so far we had been careful not to talk about what that meant for me.

For us.

I faked a bright smile and brought a bottle to my lips. I swallowed away the knot in my throat and handed Wyatt his beer. “Sit with me.”

I sank down on the top step, and he sat across from me. Wyatt’s long, thick legs stretched out in front of him. I wanted to crawl into the cradle of his embrace and smooth away the lines of worry that seemed permanently etched into his forehead.

Tonight was not the night for big, growing feelings or talks about how I was totally falling in love with him. He’d had a long day and needed someone to help brighten the mood.

A little sunshine.

“So, good news or bad news?”

Wyatt eyed me carefully. His jaw worked once, and he took a swig of his beer. “Might as well hit me with the bad news.”

“Penny isn’t home. She’s on a lady-date with Tootie until around dinnertime.”

A slow grin started on his face as his hand found my thigh. “That’s terrible news.”

I smiled back at him and scooted a little closer.

“So what’s the good news then?”

“Good news is Cheeto is no longer missing.”

He nearly choked on his beer. “No longermissing?”

I lifted my shoulder and did my best not to laugh. “Hemayhave gotten out of his cage today and spent the morning on a little adventure. Thankfully, Penny’s idea of crushed-up Cheetos—the snack, not the hamster—actually worked. Turns out he’s a big fan.”

Wyatt rubbed his eyes with one hand. “I think we need to work on your understanding of good news–bad news.”

When he laughed, the tightness in his shoulders eased. I liked being the one who could bring him a little humor after a long day. His wide palm rubbed up and down my leg, and warmth pooled low in my belly.

“So Penny is out having fun. And the boys?”

Excitement danced through me. I knew that primal look in his eyes. “Michael and Joey are working. Kevin promised to study at the library for at least an hour before meeting up with them.”

“So what you’re saying is...” Wyatt gripped the belt loop at my hip and pulled me onto his lap. “I get to have my way with you?”

I was breathless and loved being manhandled into his lap. I stared down at his lips. “What did you have in mind?”

His fingers tickled the skin above my jean shorts as he smoothed them over my hip and moved down to squeeze my ass. “I don’t want to be gentle.”

There was a roughness, barely contained, that I hoped he’d unleash on me. I knew he would never hurt me, but if after a long day he wanted me to be his release, I’d happily do it.
