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I watchthe surveillance camera photography Glitch sent Wolf and me as we sit outside the nightclub where the car thief we’re hunting is supposed to be.

I regret not updating the system as she told me to months ago. She’s done her best to clear it up, but all we’re seeing is that the thief is either a very small male or a woman.

“I got jacked by a girl?” I shout in the van as she turns and looks right at the camera.

Glitch laughs over the phone like it’s funny as hell.

“Issac Hamilton, you are a sexist pig, and I’m telling your ma.” Wolf grins at me while I shiver.

Almost thirty-four years old, and I know my ma would kick my ass. Mainly because if I ever thought to defend myself against her, my dads would kill me.

“Heads up, guys, she just walked into the club.” I look up in time to see a white dress and black hair disappear behind a bouncer at the door.

“Fuck, let’s go.” We exit the van and approach the very busy nightclub on Miami’a A1A.

The night air smells like the ocean, which is directly to our left. On the right side of this street are all the restaurants, hotels, and clubs as far as the eye can see.

As we get closer to the bouncer checking IDs, the music gets louder. Salsa beats assault my senses, and Wolf gives me a quick glance. I shrug as a smile curls his lips.

I love my best friend, but if he brings up the fact that my mother made me take dance lessons until I was fifteen, I swear I’ll shoot him.

“Not a fucking word,” I growl as the bouncer lets us inside.

“Ok, twinkle toes.” I’m going to have to call Rebel and apologize for making her a widow.

My earpiece crackles and Glitch directs our eyes to the corner of the bar where a short Latin woman in a white dress is holding a broken bottle to a guy’s neck.

Some asshole is sneaking up behind her, and I growl. Not today motherfucker. I knock him out and snatch her arm, holding the bottle.

I yank her away from the guy she was just holding, and she screams and kicks while I look for a back exit.

“Go, I got this,” Wolf yells at me when I see the red EXIT sign down the hall the one who almost touched her came from.

I cover her mouth and thank fuck the music from the club is loud enough to cover the noise we’re making as I put her in the van.

“WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!” She screams as I slam the door shut.

“The man you stole from. I got you out of that bar fight for two reasons, so you better start talking and show some gratitude.” She launches herself at me and scratches my face with her nails.

Wolf hops into the driver’s seat and pulls off into traffic as I grab this woman’s arms and pin them behind her back. The problem is now she’s straddling my lap, and her heaving breasts are right in my face.

“My God, she’s all tits,” I comment to Wolf, and it makes her growl like a cute little kitten.

“I’m talking HUGE. They enter a room before she does. I mean, how does she even work around them?” I look up at her eyes and catch a flare of desire.

“How the fuck do you even drive?” The words are out of my mouth before I can think better of them.

“Same way you can walk with this monster. Practice.” She doesn’t miss a beat, licking her lips and staring at my cock, which has joined the party since she’s been wiggling, trying to get free.

I pull out a pair of cuffs and secure her to a hook before I adjust myself and clear my throat.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Did I make you uncomfortable?” She smirks up at me as I back away from her.

“Fuck, woman, I’ve never felt more violated in my life.” She raises her eyebrow at me.

“Take these cuffs off, and I’ll show you violated.” Holy shit, I think I just came.
