Page 14 of Spark

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“I won’t lie to you.” That I can promise.

But I will keep my secrets.

He kisses me gently, and I still feel a pang in my chest like I’m betraying Joaquin. He lifts me off the seat and plops me in his lap.

“Close your eyes. I’ll wake you when we land.” As if.

He must feel me tense up even more at his suggestion because I feel his chest rumble with a chuckle under my cheek.

“I know a way to get you to relax.” The hand that was gently rubbing my spine moved to my stomach and then down.

I clench my thighs together and leave him no other option than to pry them apart. When he finally gets his hands inside my shorts, he hisses.

“You’re fucking soaked, lass. Needy little pussy, greedy to get what you’ve been depriving her of.” He runs his teeth along my chin as his fingers inch inside me.

“OPEN,” He growls as I try yet again in vain to make it more difficult for him to get me off, and then a thought occurs to me.

Why the fuck am I fighting against feeling good so hard?

Fuck knows I deserve to feel happiness. I’ve earned the right to this. I’ve been in pain long enough. Lonely for far too long. Why should I feel guilty? Then I smirk because it’s always better to make him fight me, so I struggle some more until we end up on the floor with him pinning me down.

“I’ll never be easy to get.” I bite his bottom lip when he pulls away from a rough kiss.

“Good, I’ll need a reason to spank your ass. Glad to see I’ll always have one.” He applies pressure to my clit while holding my arms above my head with his other hand.

He has my legs pinned down and open with his so that I’m wide open for him. His strokes become harder with just a slight curve, so he grazes my G-spot every time he drags them out of me.

I can feel the orgasm building, and I shake my head, not ready for it.

“Yes,” he growls as my muscles start clenching around his fingers.

“FUCK YOU!” I cry out as I come, and he laughs in my face.

“Is that an invitation, lass? I wouldn’t mind joining the mile-high club with ya.” Ugh, why does that sound like the best idea ever?

“Not until you beg me for it.” He pulls his fingers from my pussy and slowly sucks them clean.

“What?” My brain is clearly miss firing.

“I won’t fuck ya again until ya beg me to. I won’t have you think I force you into anything. You will come to me willingly and free of guilt. Then I’ll fuck you within an inch of your life so you remember what it’s like to live again. Cause honey, what you’ve been doing is living in the past, and I am your fucking future.” He stands and helps me up into my seat.

“Now, rest.” He kisses my temple and leaves me utterly speechless.

Where the fuck did this man come from?

* * *

I jerk to the left and hit my head on a hard surface.

“Ouch,” I open my eyes and rub my temple.

“Shh, we’re okay. Just some rough weather. We’ll be landing soon.” Spark holds my head to his chest so I don’t bump the window again.

I stare at the lightning flashing outside over the wing of the plane, and panic fills me.

“Lady and asshole, please strap in and hold on. This one is gonna suck.” The voice comes over the intercom full of laughter, like telling someone they’re about to die is fun to him.

“Fucking Hopper!” Spark growls as he holds me closer to his body.
