Page 28 of Spark

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“When was your last period?” I ask as soon as I catch my breath again.

“Excuse me?” Mercy asks, losing the afterglow she had a moment ago.

“Ya haven’t bled. Should we add a trip to the pharmacy to our to-do list?” I raise an eyebrow at her.

She opens her mouth and then closes it.

“I don’t know.” She says shyly.

I gather her to me and kiss her temple.

“Not alone anymore, remember. Let’s get a test done as a precaution. Then we’ll discuss kids when this is over. Lucy should be our priority.” She sighs and nods.

“What if I don’t want any more kids?” My heart freezes because I want her full of my babies, but I’ll respect her right to choose no matter how much of a caveman I am.

“Then Lucy will take my name.”

“Lucifer Hamilton isn’t any better than DeJesus.” I frown at her.

“You let that man name your daughter Lucifer?” I wish I could kill Gabriel all over again.

“Didn’t have very much choice in the matter, seeing how I was kept away from her since birth. I just called her Lucy after my grandmother Luz.” Her face fills with righteous anger.

“First thing I’m doing is changing her name. She’ll be Lucy Hamilton from now on.” There isn’t a doubt in my mind about how right this decision is.

“You got a lot of fucking nerve thinking you can just go around changing people’s last names. Who the hell do you think you are?” Mercy rips the sheets off and stomps into the bathroom.

“Well, for starters, I’m going to be your husband, so it’s not just her name I’ll be changing,” I shout at her.

She comes back out of the bathroom slowly and places her hands on her naked hips. How someone could stand so proudly and nude but still look powerful and strong is crazy to me. I lick my lips, ready to have her all over again.

Focus asshole.

“As if I’d have you.” She says softly and slowly.

I stand and walk over to her. My cock is hard as stone again, and I see her watching it and not my approach.

“Oh, you’re gonna have me all right in every fucking position imaginable. Now, be a good lass and get on your knees. And don’t forget to call me Papi.” I push her head until she’s in position and tap her lips with the head of my cock.

“Lick me clean, Mercy.”

* * *

“Doesn’t look like anyone is home.” I look at the house that looks abandoned.

“This isn’t right. Gabriel would never keep Lucy here.” The address Glitch found seems more like a drop point, but we need to check it out.

“Stay here.” I get out of the truck and close the door quietly.

Mercy, on the other hand, hopes out, ignoring every word I say, and throws stealth out the window by slamming the door hard.

“Like hell. Let’s go.” I snarl at her.

“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, lass! Has no one ever told you not to storm the castle when you don’t know if the enemy is home? How have you managed to be such a good thief all these years?” I grab her and drag her back to the truck.

“One, I am a great thief. Two, I’m small and quick. Three, I don’t have a large-than-life Irish man arguing with me normally, so that helps, too.” She makes for the front door like we’re here to sell cookies.

“Christ on a cracker. She’s gonna get us killed.” I mutter to myself as I creep around the side of the house to the back, looking for a way in that is a little more discreet.
