Page 5 of Spark

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What I need is a truck stop.

I leave the small housing development and find the highway quickly. After about fifteen minutes, I come up to a twenty-four rest stop and pull the Harley to the far corner of the parking lot. I park it in the tree line out of sight and walk inside.

I look around at the people sipping coffee and eating.

“Anyone going south?” I call out.

Everyone turns to look at me. A few frown like I’m crazy, but one lady is looking at my wrist. I lift them and rub at the dry blood. Shit, I should have cleaned up, but I needed to get out.

“You in trouble, honey?” The older lady walks up to me slowly.

I nod and let the tears that I always fight off flow.

“Where do you need to get to?” She places a hand on my shoulder.

“Florida,” I wipe my face.

“Let’s go. I can get you as far as Daytona.” I smile.

“Can I borrow your phone? I need to call my sister and tell her I’m coming home.” She pulls it out of her back pocket.

“You call her while I pay.” I nod and start dialing Porscha.

“I don’t want anything you’re selling,” she answers, and I cut her off.

“It’s me, I’m in trouble and need a place to crash.” My baby sister sighs at me.

“I’m not even home, Mercy.” I laugh and rub my face.

“Neither am I. I’ll be coming from Reno. So sometime tomorrow.” She curses.

“Reno? What the fuck!” I pull the phone away from my ear.

“I love you. See you soon.” I hang up and hand the phone to the lady.

“I’m Anna.” I offer the lady my mother’s name.

“Billie, let’s hit the road. Long way to Florida.” She holds the door open for me.

I look around the small dinner and nod at her before walking out.

We climb into her truck, and I close my eyes as soon as we hit the road. I’m starting to drift off when Billie’s voice wakes me.

“Do you hitchhike often? You seem very trusting.” Her tone is full of concern for my well-being.

I huff and cross my arms.

“When I have to.” She nods.

“Listen, I can’t fathom what caused those bruises, but I can tell you haven’t slept well in a long time. You are safe with me. So go ahead and rest.” I rub my wrist and snort.

“Understatement of the century. I appreciate your concern. Thank you.” I close my eyes and lean my head on the window.

I’m asleep in seconds.

“Mercedes? Your parents have a thing for cars?”

I roll my eyes at him.
