Page 11 of Got Me Feeling

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Our eyes meet, and we chuckle, deflating the small edge of tension that's risen in the air.

"They're not thebadgossiping kind," I clarify.

When it comes to love and matters of the heart, the vet shop crew meddle like it's no one's business, but I think what Roman was getting at was rumors about him and his past, and honestly, I haven't heard anyone utter a single bad word about him. I've gathered he had some troubles, but that's about the extent of it.

"I've made a lot of mistakes in my life." His jaw tightens as he continues talking. "Done things I'm not proud of. I'll never be able to go back and undo the damage I did, but I can work on myself and do everything I can to fix as much of it as I can. Bishop forgave me for doing him wrong. Gave me a second chance. There's nothing I wouldn't do for him. Or those animals."

I smile. "I really admire that."

"What? Being a fuckup?"

"No. For owning your shit. Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone owns up to them. Much less tries to make amends."

Roman crams the rest of a taco into his mouth.

"Thank you for telling me. You didn't have to do that."

He really didn't, and I respect his honesty, even if he didn’t go into any of the details. After being lied to and cheated on, it's a quality I appreciate so much more now. Secrets and hiding shit from people never ends well.

Bailey hid so much from me, who he was and what he wanted out of married life, and here's Roman, a guy I don't really know all that well, being upfront and open with me about what sounds like a really hard and painful part of his life.

"Just laying it all out there," he says with a shrug. "Probably should've informed you you're living with a criminal sooner."

"Ex-criminal," I point out. I may not know him well, but I can tell Roman’s a good person. Besides, if his brother gave him a second chance, that’s good enough for me.

He pulls a funny expression. Like he's trying to play it down and make it seem like not a big deal, but there's also a steely glint in his gaze, like he really is committed to turning his life around. I canfeelthat from him.

"Life doesn't always turn out the way we expect it to," I say, helping myself to another taco.

"True. Any word from Fuckface?"

I grin. "Just a few lovely emails reminding me the house and mortgage are in his name."

I'd been naively hoping for a good divorce, if there even is such a thing. In the immediate aftermath of me busting Bailey cheating, we couldn't talk to each other without it dissolving into a yelling match. He took a project in San Fran, which is where the company he works for is based. Having an entire country between us worked, and it's been nothing but texts and emails since.

I don't feel the need to speak to him again. It's over. Another six months and then we'll be divorced, and he'll be out of my life forever, assuming divorces in the States work the same way they do back home. I'm over the halfway point, I just have to hang in there.

"Any idea why he decided to kick you out now?" Roman asks, picking up another taco.

"I heard from some mutual friends that the project he was working on in San Fran is over so he's going to be back in Brookhaven more now, making the issue of accommodation a whole lot more pressing."

I shudder at the thought of running into Bailey around town. Brookhaven isn't tiny, but it is small enough that we probably will run into each other from time to time. Can't wait for that.

"So what's your next move?" Roman asks, then shakes his head, and if I'm not mistaken, there's a faint pink hue forming just above his beard. "Sorry. None of my business."

"It's fine. I don't mind." I dunk a nacho into some salsa and take a bite. When I finish chewing, I say, "I guess I need to lawyer up. Names on paperwork is one thing, but I've contributed financially to that house. I've bought furniture. We shared all bills and expenses equally. I have to have some rights. I'm not walking away with nothing."

"And your visa? Are you okay to stay here?"

"Why?" I half smile. "You offering to marry me for a green card?"

His eyes go round, but not in surprise, more like I inadvertently stumbled on what hedidhave in mind. His brows dip. "Uh, no."

"I'm fine on that front. I have a work visa for another ten months. We'll see what happens after that."

"Would you like to stay?"

"I'm a bit torn, actually."
