Page 10 of Luke

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"Hey, do you think you could give me a hand with the weights?" Eve asked, her heart racing at the prospect of being so close to him.

Luke grinned, trying to sound casual. "What do you need help with? Doyouneedmeto rub something now?"

This foreplay is killing me.

"Um, yes and also no," she said, licking her lower lip, grinning when she heard the soft groan of Luke. She gestured at the array of dumbbells before them. “What one first?”

"Start light and work our way up," he suggested, picking up a pair of five-pound weights and handing them to her. "We'll begin with some bicep curls."

"Thanks," Eve murmured, taking the weights from him and trying to ignore the electric shock that ran through her fingers when they brushed against his.

Eve couldn't help but daydream about how good Luke would feel pressed against her, his strong arms wrapped around her body. She imagined the taste of his lips, the heat of his skin, and the intensity of his gaze as he whispered sweet nothings in her ear. The thought sent shivers down her spine, and she found herself struggling to maintain her grip on the weights.

"Let me help you with your form," Luke offered, Eve growing wet at the predatory gleam he gave her as he moved closer to her. He adjusted her stance, his hands spanning her belly, sliding lower. Eve couldn't help but tremble under his touch. Every point of contact felt like a spark threatening to explode within her.

“I told you not to play with fire Eve,” Luke growled as his hand skimmed her hip as he pretended to adjust her stance again. “I could touch you all night. Taste you. Lick you, worship you. Make you mine.”

Eve could feel the wetness pooling between her legs at his words.

“Big words and no action again,” she teased as she pushed back into him. “So until you are ready to put some heat behind those words, let’s just keep playing.” Her voice barely above a whisper, she continued. “Until you eventually fuck me that is.” She could hear Luke take a deep breath and hiss behind her, as wiggled back into him.

"Such a dirty mouth on you," Luke grunted as Eve pushed further back into him. "I can think of a few others ways for you to use that mouth instead."

Eve reached back and wrapped her hand around his cock. 'I can too," she smiled.

The heavy clang of weights hitting the floor punctuated the charged atmosphere between Luke and Eve. Sweat glistened on their skin. The air seemed thick with unspoken need, making it difficult for either of them to breathe.

"Im enjoying the foreplay too much to stop. Let's try one more set," Luke suggested, his voice husky with suppressed emotion. "But this time, I want you to focus on your breathing."

"Okay," Eve nodded, trying to ignore the shivers that danced along her spine as Luke moved closer, positioning himself behind her. As she bent down to pick up the weights, she felt him press up against her, his arousal unmistakable.

"Ready?" he asked, barely able to contain the tremor in his voice. She could tell he was struggling just as much as she was.

"Yes," she replied, gritting her teeth as she tried to maintain her composure.

"Good," he breathed into her ear, setting off a new series of goose bumps. "Now, inhale as you lift the weights, and exhale as you lower them."

They began the set, each repetition bringing them closer to the breaking point as Lukes hand was firm against Eve’s ribcage, his splayed fingers trouncing her breasts each time she moved. Her body now screamed for a release.

Eve could feel her nipples pucker. Every touch from Luke shot through her body, as she felt the heat surge between her legs. She knew he reacted to her as well, with every small groan she heard as she found a reason to be close to him. His erection was evident and her mouth watered at the sight of the bulge that was growing by the minute.

This was it. No more playing.

"Luke, I—" Eve started to say, but her words were cut short as he interrupted her.

"Fuck this," Luke growled. Without waiting for a response, he grabbed her hand and led her around the corner, away from prying eyes.

In the dimly lit corridor, any thoughts of continuing the foreplay evaporated. Luke pulled Eve close, capturing her lips in a rough kiss that soon deepened into something more. She opened her mouth to allow his tongue to flick into hers, her groan loud as she tried to pull him closer. Her hands roamed over his muscular back, feeling the ridges of his scars beneath the damp fabric of his shirt.

"Luke," she murmured against his lips, her breath hitching as his hands slid up her sides, roughly touching and kneading her body through her clothes. She could feel the heat radiating off him, threatening to consume them both.

"Fuck, Eve, I want you so badly," he confessed, his voice thick with need. "But we can't—not here."

"Yes, here," she gasped as his fingers skimmed over her breasts.

“Fuck it,” Luke growled before his hand dipped into her tights. “Fuck,” he said as he touched her, Eve pressing into his fingers, angry at the barrier of her panties.

“More,” Eve begged, knowing she was close. But just as Luke pulled her panties aside and plunge a thick calloused fingers into her, the sound of footsteps echoing in the hallway reached their ears.
