Page 13 of Luke

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Elsie hung back to talk privately with Eve. “I’ll talk to the boy. I’ll make him see that he needs to be close to keep you safe. That should give you time enough to make your move.” Elsie chuckled. “I miss being young. Especially around these fine lads. You’ve picked yourself a good one Eve. He just needs to relax enough to see it.”

“I can help him there,” Eve said as she gave Elsie a hug before shutting the door. “I can’t wait to help him with that.”


"Okay,"Lukewhispered,"Ican do this." He knocked on the door, his heart pounding in his chest.

Elsie had talked to Luke the day before and told him he was being an idiot for not getting busy with Eve. For not taking care of his woman. Luke knew she was telling the truth but he felt like a dick for not following through with his plan to date her. He was knee deep in getting the shop fixed up for her that he lost sight of the fact that he needed to win her over first.

Now here I am.

The door swung open, revealing Eve standing there with a surprised expression. Her dark hair was pulled back in her usual ponytail, and her eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"You're up early." she said, eyeing the gifts in his hands.

"Couldn't sleep," Luke admitted gruffly, his gaze never leaving hers. He felt a shiver run down his spine as their eyes locked, the intensity of their connection sending a jolt through him.

"Me neither," Eve confessed, a gentle smile playing at the corners of her lips.

"Um, I just wanted to stop by and say hello," he said in a low voice, taking note of Fred lurking nearby, his green eyes narrowed suspiciously at Luke. "And, uh, I brought you these."

"Wow, thank you!" Eve said, genuinely touched as she accepted the flowers and chocolates. "Come in!"

As Luke stepped into the living room, he couldn't help but feel like he was entering enemy territory as Fred watched him closely from the corner of the room, his bushy tail flicking back and forth.

"Fred sure seems to be keeping an eye on me," Luke mumbled, trying to sound nonchalant.

Eve laughed. "Yeah, don't worry, he'll warm up to you eventually."

"Really?" Luke asked, attempting to hide his apprehension as his felt his past wounds from Fred start to tingle.

"Of course," Eve reassured him, her smile melting away doubts. "You just have to give him time."

"Yeah, but how much time?" Luke grumbled, determined to win over both Fred and Eve. He crouched down and extended his hand towards the ginger cat, a friendly gesture he had read about in one of the many cat behavior books.

"Here, Fred," he coaxed gently. "I'm not so bad."

Fred stared at him for a moment, considering the outstretched hand before him. Luke held his breath. The books said a non-threatening stance and to extend a hand.

Here it goes.

Hoping against hope that this small gesture would be enough to win the cat over, Luke stepped toward the cat. Suddenly, Fred hissed and swiped at Luke's hand with lightning-fast reflexes, narrowly catching the tips of his fingers. Luke yanked his hand back, frustration simmering beneath the surface.

"Ouch," he muttered under his breath, rubbing his stinging hand. "Okay, maybe it'll take a bit more effort than I thought."

"Sorry about that," Eve said, her face falling. "I promise, he's really a sweet cat once you get to know him."

She hesitated for a moment before asking, "Do you want to go for a walk? Maybe clear our heads? I don’t think the gym is a good idea, considering last time it got a bit…overheated."

Overheated? I nearly fucked her against the wall!

Luke agreed, knowing that he would feel heated around her wherever they were.

“Let’s go to my porch. Then we’ll have some privacy.” Luke suggested. They began to walk side by side, the morning sun casting warm golden light upon them.

"Luke?" Eve's voice pulled him back to the present. He looked at her, noticing the vulnerability in her eyes. "Luke, I…" Eve hesitated, then bit her lip, looking away. “I can't keep pretending like my heart isn't racing every time I'm near you." She gave a small laugh. “And let’s face it, you already know my body responds to you.”

"And mine to you," he admitted, taking her hand in his, feeling the warmth of her skin against his. Their eyes locked, and Luke knew he had to take his chance. Eve could be his finally.
