Page 16 of Luke

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Eve wiped a bead of sweat running down his forehead. “Now let’s finish you also,” she said as her hand went to wrap around him.

“You are some woman,” Luke said as he kissed the side of her neck, as he removed her hand. “But I can wait. I just needed to see you fall apart. Just once. The next time I’ll be buried deep inside you as you call my name.”

“I’m your woman,” she answered as she leant back and took in his hooded eyes.

“All mine,” Luke agreed before he kissed her deeply,

"Come on," Luke said, his voice husky with need. "Let's go home."

"Home," Eve echoed, her heart swelling at the simple yet powerful word. She looked at Luke, “Even better is home and nakedness.”

Luke’s laughter boomed out around as he held her closer, wondering how he got so lucky.


Evewastremblingasshe followed Luke into the house. "I feel like we have waited forever for this," she breathed as she stood in front of him.

"You’re fucking perfect." Luke said gently, his large hands fumbling slightly as he moved to unbutton her blouse. The need in his voice added an unexpected intimacy to the moment.

Eve smiled, her dark eyes shining with trust. "Luke, there’s no rush ...go slow," she whispered, feeling a tremor of anticipation run through her body.

"Slow it is," he murmured, placing a tender kiss on her collarbone as he carefully undid each button, exposing the delicate skin beneath. His fingers traced the curve of her shoulders, making her shiver with want.

"Your turn," she said softly, reaching for the hem of his shirt and slowly lifting it up over his head. As his tattoos came into view, the scars underneath seemed to tell a story of resilience that only made her care for him more deeply. She allowed her fingertips to graze the inked lines, feeling the heat of his body beneath them.

"Does it hurt?" she asked hesitantly, not wanting to cause him any discomfort.

"Only when I forget they're there," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "But right now, all I feel is you."

"Good," she said, and pressed her lips to one of the intricate designs on his chest, feeling his heart leap beneath her touch.

They continued to undress each other slowly, savoring every new revelation of skin and sensation. They were finally bare to one another, both physically and emotionally.

"Fuck Eve. I’ve want to be inside you forever,” Luke said, his eyes seeking hers for any signs of doubt or fear.

"Luke," she gasped, arching into his touch as he expertly flicked her peaked nipple, the sensation of pain and pleasure flooding her body.

"Your body is beautiful," Luke murmured, tracing a finger over one of the marks on her skin, a gentle reminder of the strength she'd found to survive her previous relationship.

"Yours too," Eve replied.

Luke pulled Eve over her on the bed. He sat on the edge, his hands cupping her bottom as she stood in front of his spread legs. Eve reached down and ran a finger over his swollen cock. Her finger wiping the fluid leaking from his tip before bringing a trembling finger to her lips to lick it off, her eyes closing at the taste.

“Fuck,” Luke said, his hand tracing over her nipples and down towards her sex, glistening before him.

“I’ve changed my mind,” Eve said as he bent his head to taste her. “I don’t want slow. I want rough. I want it quick and dirty. I want you now Luke.”

“After I’ve had my fill,” Luke growled as his hands spread her legs wide, his tongue swiping over her core.

He held her in place as she squirmed against him, his hand, huge, broad and warm rested over her hips, moving in only the slightest of caressing motions

Luke’s fingers replaced his tongue.

God, even his fingers are huge.

Her stomach muscles still quivered and clenched at the thought of how large he would be inside her again. And she wanted it now.

